Powers of Aiwan

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Sidhe "Body" Magic

Characteristics: Warrior fae with the ability to be in-tune with bodily movement and strength. Most are built heavy but some are lithe ranger types. They currently have divided loyalty, with the bulk of those in power in the pocket of the queen while a rebellion is brewing due to their current treatment like fodder by Queen Agnes. 

Current Leader: Lord and Lady of House Silna

Land: Echen

Arlynd "Water" Magic

Characteristics: Water fae gain their energy from the tides. They are very in-tune with emotions and manipulating the minds of others. Ancient myth shows them as siren-like creatures. They capture attention with their rumored beauty and have a tendency toward corruption.

Current Leaders: Lady and Lord of House Voda

Land: Ardor, the land of a thousand shores

Eade "Earth" Magic

Characteristics: Earth fae are even more in-tune with the earth and it's creatures than your average fae. They can manipulate the ground and have the affinity of talking with animals. The prefer to live in small, secluded communities and be in touch with the ground as much as possible.

Current Leader: Tribal Leader Sala

Land: Friya

Sylph "Air" Magic

Characteristics: Air fae are almost as rare as mind fae. They are illusive and prefer to distance themselves in the highest peaks. They have the ability to sprout wings but not all air fae can fly. They can create a static field with the wind. 

Current Leader: Lord and Lady of House Voz

Land: Most live in Spano or the island of Koryn

Ai "Mind" Magic

Characteristics: Very few left of these mind fae. It is rare to find an ai and most live "off the grid" with a few living in the lands at the base of the queen's mountain. They present as witch-like and are almost as reclusive as the Sylph but are much more friendly. They are gifted with sight and the occasional ai can pierce the mind of their enemy. 

Current Leader: Raz

Land: Commune at the base of the queen's mountain or in Koryn

Cinnaed "Fire" Magic

Characteristics: The fire fae are exactly what you'd expect of them. They have hot temperatures and temperaments. The high family is corrupt, ruling with money and fear but not all fire fae can work with fire itself, some are gifted healers. 

Current Leader: Lady and Lord of House Orgon

Land: Brasa

Gwyn "Light" Magic

Characteristics: The light fae are good at manipulating the light waves around them, disappearing. They prefer the company of their own but not all together illusive. They have a history of divided loyalty, flip flopping between the side of the queen and against the monarchy.

Current Leader: Lord and Lady of House Svet

Land: The region of Abla in Northwest Friya

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