|| CH 1: "Yup, That's them." ||

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[First Person Pov]

The sound or my alarm went on, which woke me up. I turned it off and sat up as I stretched and yawned. I got up and walked over to my wardrobe, and picked a F/C hoodie and some gray pants. I then brushes my hair as I walked out of the room. Tom was sleeping on the couch, and I saw a couple beer bottles next to him. Not surprised. I put my brush in the pocket of my hoodie and walked towards the kitchen to make myself some cereal. After I finished eating, I saw edd walk up to the table from the corner of my eye. 

"Hey Y/N! Awake already??" He said somehow sounding happy even though he just woke up. I just smiled and nodded as I put the bowl in the sink and walked off. I Accidentally bumped into Matt, who was admiring himself with his mirror. "Sorry Ma-" Oh gosh.. before I could even finish, he of course blurted out with the "Hey! You almost hit my face!" shit. I was used to it already and I found it a little funny, but it did get annoying at times.

 I just apologized and walked off to my room, and tords door was open. I took a little peak and- oh gosh.. nope , nevermind , he was watching high school dxd. I quickly turned away and flashed go my room. What the hell did my eyes witness.. I took my phone out and began scrolling down on pinterest / Instagram / YouTube / tiktok / [Any social media].

Couple minutes passed by, and I started hearing yelling coming from the living room or somewhere outside. Matt quickly ran into my room, panting a bit. "Y/n.. we need your help.." I looked at him confused and sat up. "Why? What happened?" I asked him curiously. He looked back and glanced his eyes over to me. "You know our neigbours?"  "Yes-"   "They are being rude, and they insulted my face! We need you to do something about it!"  I sighed in exhaustion. "Alright, alright. I'm coming."

 Matt cheered a bit as I got up from my bed and walked outside.Edd was fighting with our next door neighbor , Eduardo. He's a pain in the ass. Whenever we go outside for just a second, him and his 'gang' just insults us each second. I walked over to Tom and tord as they watched edd and him argue. "What happened?" I asked. "Edd was gonna go buy groceries, and Eduardo just started insulting him." Tord replied. Of course.. its been hell ever since they moved in. The two just went on for 6 minutes arguing, and I noticed Jon and mark walk out of his house, just great. Mark walked up from behind, looking a little confusused , meanwhile Jon just stood there beside him.

"Edd, just ignore them, they are always like this." I told him as I put my hand on his shoulder. He just sighed and walked off. "Hah! You losers really giving up like that?" Eduardo laughed out. "No, we're just tired of your bullshit." It was frustrating having to deal with him, so for once, I finally said the truth. Eduardo just rolled his eyes as mark chuckled a bit. "Wow, if your that tired of us then just ignore us." Mark recalled. 

I just flipped him off , beginning to walk off. Eduardo growled a bit and before he could take another step , he just grabbed my shoulder and smashed my head into the fence. I took my head out of it as Edd rushed over to me to help me up."WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM?" I heard him yell. "Me?? I don't have a problem! You guys are just annoying little-" before he could finish, jon interrupted him. "Eduardo, that's not nice! We should probably be more nice to them.." those words coming from jon surprised me. It even managed to shock tord more then me. 

"..SHUT UP YOU LITTLE SHIT!" He punched jon in the face, making his nose bleed before he collapsed onto the ground. "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" I shouted at him as I jumped over the fence, quickly helping Jon up. I noticed tears rushing down his face as his nose just kept on bleeding."Why the hell do you fucking care??" Eduardo's dumbass said. I just rolled my eyes as Jon just ran inside crying. I sort of feel bad.. why does Eduardo treat him like shit?? Aren't they friends? I glared at the green shirted Mexican, and walked inside. 

Jon x Reader: "The One Next Door. ♡" || Eddsworld ||Where stories live. Discover now