|| CH 2: A sign of hope? ||

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"..I'm not fucking doing this." Tord threw the tweezers on the ground and looked the other way. Tom just sighed. "Edd you okay?" He asked him. "Yeah.. my leg.. really hurts though.. is it bad..??"  I turned my head over and realizing there was a blood puddle under the stool he put his foot on. Tord looked at me confused since he saw the look on my face, but realized why I was doing so. "YEAH FUCK IT, WE ARE GOING TO THE HOSPITAL SINCE TORD CAN'T DO JACKSHIT." He lifted edd up onto his back and ran outside in the blink of an eye.

Matt hurried up with him to the car as I grabbed the keys. I ran outside with tom as tord ran behind me. We all got into the car and before we left, I saw two broken beer bottles in the same place edd tripped. Shit. Tom drove off to the hospital in an instant, and once we arrived there was luckily a doctor in the waiting room as we slammed the door open. "I DON'T GIVE A SHIT IF YOUR BUSY, JUST HURRY UP AND DO SOMETHING." He handed edd to the doctor, and quickly ran inside the checkup room and placed him on a bed.

A couple minutes passed and all of us were in the waiting room. Matt didn't dare to look at his mirror once, which surprised me. Tord sat near me since tom was sitting beside Matt. I glanced my eyes over to him and noticed him looking dead depressed. I placed my hand on his shoulder, which gained his attention. "He'll be fine, don't worry! Besides, its edd. He'll be strong!" I reassured him. He just gave a weak smile and nodded. I was a bit worried about edd myself as well, since he's like an older brother, but I'm sure he'll be fine. Right..?

It's been over an hour already. Matt fell alseep on his chair while waiting, and me and tord started playing uno after we spotted a card stack under our chair. The doctor came out of the checkup room, and tord and I got up instantly. "How is he?? Is he alright?" The both of us asked. "He'll be fine, although his leg was really injured and we saw shards of glass in it. By any chance, did you see what happened?" I sighed and looked up. "He fell on something, and I assumed it was a shoe but it was a broken beer bottle, and there were two of them." The doctor nodded his head as and pulled out his notepad. 

"That explains it. You four can go back home, but can I have one of your guy's number? I'll call you when he is doing better and is able to properly walk." Tom nodded his head and handed him his number. We returned back to the car and it was completely silent. Once we returned home, tom went back to the kitchen to collect Susan and returned to his room. I walked back to mines as well as Tord and matt just sat on the couch and watched TV in silence.

Hours pass, and I started to feel extremely numb. I wasn't depressed or anything, but i just felt upset about the fact edd was hurt. He's like and older brother to me, and I love him like one as well. It hurts me to see him upset, it really does. I poured my face into my pillow and heard a knock on my door. "Its open." I shouted. It opened, and I realized it was Matt. "Dinners ready if your hungry!" He called out. "I'm not hungry."  || "Y/N , I know your upset but can you please eat..? Earlier we went to go eat some burgers, and you didn't come at all.. you didn't even want to eat the leftovers..!"

"Like I said Matt, I'm not hungry. I'll pass." || "You sure..?"  "Yeah, I'm fine. Don't worry about me! I'll eat when I want to. Just go eat without me, i'm fine." I heard matt sigh before he left my room. Whatever, I'm not hungry. I just want edd to be okay. I git up from my bed and put my phone into my pocket. I opened my bedroom door and walked to the living room. "Y/n, dinners ready. You sure you don't wanna eat" Tord asked. "I understand if your upset, but don't act like a bitch and try eating. Like you said, edd will be fine." I rolled my eyes a bit and turned my head towards him.

"I already told Matt this. I'm not hungry and I'm fine." I told him, realized my voice sounded more deeper and Agressive. I quickly calmed myself down and walked outside of the house. I guess I'll just take a walk to calm myself down, since there's no point of doing anything else. The other things I do involve edd, and I can't do them if he's not here. I walked down the street, taking a shortcut to a nearby park. I walked around it and I went onto a bridge, with a river underneath it.

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