7. Of buds and sweet gestures.

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The sky was painted with deep hues of midnight blue as Zahra quietly moved about the house, indicating that the sun had yet to rise. The silence of the early morning added to the serene atmosphere, creating a sense of soothing calmness. 

Zahra felt a mix of solitude and anticipation as she continued with her activities, appreciating the stillness that embraced the world before dawn. Her ears strained for any sound until, finally, she heard the gentle shuffle of a sleepy Nasseem leaving his room. With a wild heart and a goofy grin, she quickly finished what was in her hands.

Nasseem walked into the kitchen, his eyes still heavy with sleep, and was greeted by the enticing aroma of freshly brewed coffee and a platter of golden, fluffy pancakes adorned with a drizzle of maple syrup and a sprinkle of powdered sugar. A bowl of berries sat nearby and a carafe of freshly squeezed orange juice stood tall, radiating a refreshing citrus scent.

"Good morning," he greeted, unable to mask his surprise to find her up early and unable to take his gaze from the mouthwatering breakfast before him. He salivated.

"Morning," she found herself whispering back as if both were sharing a secret while being awake so early as darkness still embraced everything it reached.

He idled by the entrance, gaping at the food before him. She urged him to sit.

"Come on, before it gets cold." As Zahra turned to grab a mug for the coffee, their eyes met, and a playful grin danced across her face. "I thought I'd surprise you with breakfast today."

Nasseem's heart swelled with gratitude as he stepped further in, drawn by the aroma and the infectious joy radiating from Zahra. "You didn't have to," he murmured, his voice laced with appreciation.

Zahra set the coffee mug on the counter and turned to face him fully. Her hazels sparkled. "I wanted to," she replied, her voice soft and sincere. "You work so hard, and I wanted to show you my appreciation in a small way."

His hands itched with the sudden need to cradle her face and pepper it with feather-like kisses. Horrified with the invasive, unexpected thoughts of being all over his wife, Nasseem flushed a deep red and stuffed his face with the scrumptious meal before him instead.

"Thank you," he spoke through a mouthful, glad the large bite masked his wavering voice.

Sitting down together, they shared a quiet breakfast, savoring each bite, stealing shy glances, and shooting timid smiles at each other.

Every morning, since that day, Nasseem would awaken to the irresistible scent of Zahra's mouthwatering creations. The enticing aroma would lure him out of slumber, guiding him to the source of the deliciousness in the kitchen. 

There, he would find her, a graceful symphony of movement and melody, humming and bustling about, ensuring that he would be well-fed before heading out to work.

In those precious moments, the world seemed to slow down as they shared breakfast. Their conversations flowed effortlessly, filled with laughter, dreams, and tender exchanges. It was a time of connection and intimacy, where they could bask in the simple pleasure of each other's company under the soft rays of a rising sun.

The early morning sunlight would filter through the kitchen window, casting a warm glow on the countertops and bringing the golden specks in her eyes to life. He'd hold his breath, dazed but nodding to whatever story she was telling him.

Every day, as Nasseem emerged from his sleep, a smile would naturally form on his lips, growing wider and more radiant when his gaze fell upon Zahra's vibrant and energetic presence. It was a sight that filled his heart with warmth and his spirit with joy. Her culinary creations were not mere nourishment but a tangible expression of her caring soul.

In this daily ritual, like a bud getting nourished to grow, so did their bond.

Before he embarked on his daily endeavors, he would take in her presence, etching the sight of her bright smile and sparkling eyes into his heart. She'd fill his black thermos to the brim and pack him a couple of sandwiches for lunch. 

Then, she'd lecture him about the importance of staying well-nourished to perform well at his daily, rigorous tasks. The lectures were unnecessary for she was going to call, as she always did, to make sure he'd had lunch.

Nasseem, however, like a receptive child, would listen attentively to her words, nod, and promise he'd eat everything.

"Your food is too good not to be eaten anyway," he had once remarked, a mischievous grin tugging at the corners of his lips.

Zahra's cheeks had flushed a rosy hue, caught off guard by his compliment. She had stammered, searching for a suitable response, but words had eluded her at that moment.

He grinned all the way to work. 


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