Chapter 2

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"Annabeth?" it was that voice. That voice that haunted Annabeth every day, night, and dream for the past two years. She had been staying in Camp Half-Blood for the past month, and she needed time to think, so she left for the docks. It was evening, when all of her bottled up sadness starting showing. She could hide it during the day, she usually could. But camp brought back moments that were bitter now. 

Percy cleared his throat. "Beth." Oh fuck off, she wanted to shout at him, but her voice was consumed by the powerful burning in her chest that reminded her all the fucking time that she was alone. She wasn't really alone, she had Thalia, Grover, the rest of camp. But this betrayal hurt more than any poisoned knife could.

She didn't bother responding. If he wanted an answer, he could have asked her anything he wanted before leaving her to rot like everyone else she had once loved.

She heard him sigh, and it made her anger multiply like a virus, consuming every fiber of her being, because how fucking dare he be frustrated with her, when it was him who was to blame. "Annabeth, could you please turn around?"

She didn't dare move. She was done doing everything he asked. "Annab–"

"What!?" she screamed at him, turning around to glare at him. "What else do you want from me? What else?" He flinched, looking at her wide-eyed. "I have already given you everything! Can you not rest in peace knowing that? Can you not make this hurt ten times worse than it already is?" she didn't give him a chance to respond as she shoved his chest. She wanted him to hurt. To feel the burn in his chest just like her. "Leave! Get the fuck out of my life if all you're going to do is ruin it!"

He grabbed her wrists, clearly shocked at her outbreak. "Annabeth, st–just stop!" He held her down so she was still. "I..."another sigh, one that meant he clearly didn't want to be here. "I didn't mean to hurt you so bad–"

"Then what the fuck were you trying to do? Because all you did was hurt me!" Her eyes were surely red from crying, and her thin frame was probably not a good sight to look at, as she hadn't been eating properly. It angered her immensely that he looked so well, while she looked like she was hanging on by a thread.'

"I–I just–I was just doing what was right. I know I did it in a... painful way, but I had to do it. I couldn't–I couldn't keep pretending that it was you I was in love with because... because that's just not true." He let go of her, with so much distaste it made her want to curl up in a ball and cry. "I loved you, or at least I thought I did. But I just–I realized that my love was meant for Rachel, not you." She was about to shove him again but he kept talking. "And I want to say that I'm sorry, and for hurting you I truly am. But I can't be sorry for loving her because it's the way it is, and I'm not ashamed of it."

Now Annabeth didn't know what he was doing, because he had never been this stupid before. Sure, he had been clueless sometimes, but this was blunt stupidity. Stupidity for having the audacity to come here and insist talking to her when she was hurting and then telling her this, this fucked up apology. She let him know just that with a whole lot of screaming. "You are fucked in the head," she said as she walked away with even more tears in her eyes. She didn't talk for the rest of the day. Not even to Thalia, who showed up at least once a day, begging her to eat, to which Annabeth always responded, I promise I'm trying. 

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