Welcome to the neighborhood

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Ty's P.O.V

There was a knock at the door I walked to the top of the stairs and looked down

"Hi, Im Gabrielle Tipton and this is my son Noah, we live right over there", she said and pointed to there house on the right of ours

" Tyler, get down here", my mom yelled

"Hi, I'm Natalie Tucker and this is my daughter Tyler", she said as I stepped beside her

" Nice to meet you", Grabrielle said and shook my mom's hand

"Are you going to Huldenbrook high school", Noah asked me

" Yes", I said

" Great, I can show you around", he smirked

"Just great", I muttered.

"Tyler why don't you show Noah around the house", my mom asked

" Then you can show her around the town, while Natalie and I talk", Mrs. Tipton said

"Let's go", I mumbled

I showed him around the house

"Where is your room", he asked

" Right here", I said and opened the door

"Wow, cool walls", he said and plopped down on the bed

" Yeah, I did it", I said

"No you didn't", he said

" Yes, I did, I like painting", I say

"Now what", I asked

" Let's go walk around town", he stated

We walked to the park, fed the ducks, we went to the church, the grocery store, Happy Joes, Arcade, and last but not least the pet shop.

"Mom can I get a kitten", I asked on the phone

" Will you take care of it", She asked

"Yes, I will, it will be a girl", I said trying to keep it cool around Noah.

"OK, make sure she's cute", she said and hung up

We went in the cat section and I saw the perfect kitten. I was probably 5 months old and it was a black with white feet and a white face except for the nose,that was black, it looked like it had a mask on. It had electrifying blue eyes, " Justin ", I whispered

" What", Noah asked


"This is the one, Oreo", I said and she looked at me

I asked the lady how I adopt her and I filled out paperwork and got some toys and litter box supplies and a collar, she got a tracking chip beeped in her and I payed for it all after a fight with Noah on who should pay. He wanted to but I wouldn't allow it. I got a pet carrier and put her collar on and put the toys with her and she played with them as we walked home. He insisted on taking the litterbox stuff.

" Mom, were home", I yelled

"Let me see her", she said as she and Mrs.Tipton came running up

I put her on the table and took her out of the carrier

" My baby", she squealed

"Oreo", I said and put her litter box downstairs

I brought her toys up in my room and pryed her out of my moms hands and took her upstairs

" Cant wait to show you school", he smirked

"Great", I mumbled

*Noah to right or top →↑

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