Why isnt your nose broke?!

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Noah's POV

When she didnt accept my offer to the party, I didnt go.  I didnt want to see her there with a guy who would be using her.  I invited the guys over instead and we played video games and had chips and pepsi that was spiked

There was a knock on the door and I went downstairs and got it but I would soon regret it

"What the hell were you trying to do dumbass", June came storming in

"Please come in", I said and shut the door

"Smartass", she muttered

"When was I trying to do what", I asked confused

" Last night when you DRUGGED Ty and then told you how much you liked her THEN tried to RAPE her while she was HANDCUFFED!!", she screamed

"Who told you that"

"Ty obviously", she said

"I was here with the boys"

"Yeah right", she muttered

" Serious, I would never do that to Tyler"

"Wait why isnt your nose broke?!", she asked

" Um should it"

"Justin punched you, why isnt your nose broke"

"Because I was here"

"But Justin saw you"

"Do you want me to call Luke, he'll tell you", I asked taking my phone out

" I believe you, but what, you have a twin brother that stalks your every move"

"I think I would know if I had a brother, mom would of told me"

"Well who was it"

"Wait mom told me that my imaginary friend had to go away to a camp in England, but thats the night dad left, when I was 7"

"What was his name", she asked


"Wait did he go with your dad when they split"

"All I can tell you is that we looked exactly alike and before he left, he was, different"

"How", she asked

" He was always creeping on people and he acted crazy, and not the 'high' way, the killer way", I explained

"How do I know your not lying and making this up", she accused

"Mom was here last night she checked on us every 15 minutes, plus Luke would of came up to you at the party"

"I guess, but I will completely believe you if you can show me a picture of you and Nick TOGETHER", she said

" Wait", I said and dug through a draw and gave her the picture.

It was Nick and myself blowing are birthday candles out with my friends and his in the background on our 5th birthday

"Wow, you  do look alike", she gasped

" Yeah"

"Is this what Luke looked like", she laughed looking at his chubby face

I nodded

" Can I show them this", she asked

"Actually can you just take a picture"

"Sure", she said and took one

" Hopefully they will believe this, come with me", she said and I followed her to Tyler's window

When I came through the window, all I can say is Justin and Lyle were not happy to see me

"You have a lot of nerve coming here", Lyle said as he put a blanket on Tyler as she slept with Oreo

" Yeah why isnt your nose broke" Justin asked

"Here we go again", I mumbled

" I invited him...we have a story to tell you ", June said as she sat down and started explaining everything

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