The apology🤞🏼

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Yes if you read my last A/n then your would know thats its currently 2 and I wake up at 5 so yea i am staying up all night writing for you so be greatful even if this chapter is bad.
Author out!💋

I wake up and Jaden is litteraly squuezing the life out of me. I try to get up but he just pulls me closer. "Jaden your killing me!" I say and he loosens his grip a bit.. so he is awake.. "So you are awake?" Then he tightens his grip again. "Ok ok im going back to sleep!" He loosens his grip again and i fall back asleep. I forgot that I was pissed off at him but i just remembered so Im gonna be mad the rest of the day.

"Jaden its 10:26 we need to wake up." He shakes his head no so i snap at him "Jaden get off of me." I hated being mad at him. "Whats your issue?" He says in his tired voice, oh hes so cute. "Im not the one with the issue here." I said to him i think he remembered last night because he got up and walked over to me. "Your still mad about that?" He asked. Did he seriously just ask me that. "Of course im still mad! I refused to kiss your brother because i know you wouldnt have liked that and then you go and kiss your ex eithout and hesitation! Why wouldnt i be mad!" I say snapping at him. He looks at me dead in the eyes. "I get that your mad, and you haver right to be, but im sorry, ok? I had a few drinks and i wasnt thinking clearly. But thats not an excuse for what i did. You can take your time and be mad all you want. But just know, im sorry." He said he gave me a kiss on the lips and walked towards the bathroom. Did Jaden walton just kiss me? On the lips? After apologizing? OMFG I FORGIVE HIM!

I walked downstairs and Sat in the kitchen. He came down shortly and sat next to me I looked at him "I accept your apology." I said then he looked at me and smiled. "Good."

Im so so so so so sorry for the extremely short chapter but im litterly so tored and meed to go to sleep. But next chapter will be very long. Anyways goodnight beautiful Jaden Walton lovers!
Author out!💋

My boy // Jaden Walton x y / nWhere stories live. Discover now