First day of Grimsborough

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Pennys pov
It was my first day in Grimsborough ,
My Name is Penny Morris ... My full name is too long ,Im 22 years old going to med School, Going to St John University. I was ridding a taxi going to my greatgrandma home .

My life is not easy as you see .
I was born on June 30 1999 with my twin sister my mum was 13 that time she was in 9 th grade in St Peter International School .I had never had a chance to know my dad is
My British grand mum and my American dad took care of us while she was studying , There are rumors that my grandpa has royal blood and has european blood , We were 3 Years old when we know how to read and sent to an elementary homeschooling.

When I turned 9
We were sent to USA to study Highschool with my twin sister, Together with mum , I and my sister was sent to a St Peter International School .
We had a Step Dad Uncle John ,

As I stop to a Big house , I saw greatgrandma and she run to hug me with my Grandpa Who is still working at the lawfirm ,
GreatGrandmother said " hello Penny nice to meet you"
I answered Im fine
Granddad said "hello my loves hows your day "
I said "Im fine ,"
Granddad showed my room and tell me to rest
No ones pov
In the next day
Penny was was walking around the st john University she was looking those art works and she accidentally bump someone
Penny and the man fell down and She apologized " Im so sorry sir I wasn't looking then I bumped you " the man said "it ok young lady (while helping her to stand up) Any way whats your name young lady" Penny said
"My full name is too long so They called me Penny Im 22 years old turning 23 "
The man said "I m Dave and and Im 41 years any way Im up to work and heres my number you can call me anytime you want "
Penny could tell that she has crush on him after Dave removed his face mask , Penny got the piece of paper where he wrote his number and social media acount .

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