Sending for what !!

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In the next day
It was Saturday, 3 pm ,Penny just finished her classes ,
As Penny is about to go home then Dave Came ,
" Hey Penny " Dave called her
Penny responded "hey Dave ,whats up
" Dave answered shyly "I just want to call you , because...... Im inviting you to our family dinner Do you want to come. " Penny responded shyly " Im not sure about that Dave ." Dave said "no Insist "
Its just once " Penny smiled and responded "okay "
Dave drove Penny to a Daves home
Ding dong
Zoe opened the door and " Hi ,Im Penny Morris , " Penny said .
Zoe said back " Hello there young lady come in "
Penny smiled and entered the house.
As Penny entered the house ,
Zoe said to Dave " Are you sure about this Dave ! " Dave responded "Whats wrong with her ,I just invited her to our dinner then Im sending her to a Paternity test !"Zoe responded " look Dave The girl might be your mistress ,I dont trust her ,Im sure Rachel plans this to steal you "
Dave responded " Stop making these Problem , I told you a million times Rachel is dead and she is not a fraud nor a gold digger,.Can we stop it and have some fun come on "
After Dinner
Penny and Dave were in car and
Dave asked " Penny may I ask something " Penny answered "sure Dave " Dave asked "Did you take a medical check up "
Penny responded "not yet "
Dave said to her "Ok ,Before you go home,Im sending you for medical check up for your medical record ,"
Penny just agreed and Dave drove her to a clinic , As they entered to Clinic ,
Dave called "Doctor Grace !"
Doctor Grace came and asked "Oh is She the person your sending to "
Dave answered "yes ,thats Penny Morris" Grace called Penny and they all get her samples
Penny became curious that she wasnt just having a medical check up but also having a Paternity test
After the test ,Dave finally drove her Home and
Then Penny asked Dave "Dave Why are you sending me for a DNA test "
Dave was nervous and said " Oh ok , look Penny , I have something to tell you " Penny asked curiously" tell me what !" Dave responded" I think your my daughter thats why I send you for Paternity test" Penny reacted and said "oh you might be mistaken how could you be my dad "
Dave said "I just noticed something about you,First thing I just noticed something about your pendant necklace that has my signature,there no other pendants like that ,2nd thing is the your Mum who I impregnated in when she was just twelve or thirteen , 3rd thing ,your mums journal 4rth thing is ,I was also called DM ,and lastly is your age "
Penny burst into tears and Dave comforted her then left her to give her space to cry ,
In the monday , Penny was sitting on the park , Dave came and sat next to her ,
Penny apologized "look Dave Im so sorry for my Over reaction last Saturday night ,Im just too emotional. "Dave responded "its ok ,We just waiting for the results,"
Penny nodded, a girl and a boy called her "Dad "
Dave smiled and hugged his kids and kissed them on thier foreheads,
Dave introduced them " Penny ,these are my kids these is Diana Marie Daughter of my first wife Charlotte and George Estregan my son of my 2nd wife Zoe and kids this is Penny Morris " Ana said " Hi Penny ,Call me DM or Ana what a great Any way Im eight years old and a fouth grader ,what about you Penny "
Penny then responded "Im American British , I just came from Wales of United Kingdom , Im a former firefighter I just came here to study medicine but I shifted to Nursing

DM responded " oh ok ,I see , My mom and dad just divorced when I was born ,Mom stills visits me anyway . And My step mom just have a little jealousy between me and Dad "
Dave then said to them "I will give you two time to hang up to keep an eye for Little George"
Penny smiled and said "Your lucky that you have a father like him "
DM responded "yeah ,hes probably the best dad I ever have ,Penny do you have a dad or mom "
Penny answered " No , Only mum and she died exactly when I was thirteen turning fourteen , My step isnt my real dad he just date mum for money and he always beats her with his strong arms that's why mum have miscarriages and he just dont care about her miscarriages "
DM said "Im so sorry about that ,
Me My mommy and daddy married 10 years ago ,then at first thier marriage is going fine until their relationship got sour and due to my dads dangerous job and my mom cant handle they had divorce , but my mom still visits me and one thing George isn't my biological brother but hes my brother by love "
Penny responded "oh I see , I was 8 years old and a high school student ,My mum had a boyfriend ,at first everything is fine until we found out that he only dated mum for money ,since we were rich . He often drinks , When my mum tries to tell him not to drink he always beats her and because of that she had miscarriages not just once but twice luckily He was kicked out during her last pregnancy ,In that time we though the baby will be fine but in mums 7months pregnancy the baby didn't survive .Mum is so devastated but atleast shes now safe and never wanted to date again ."
DM asked "another Question, How did your mum died ?"
Penny answered " I was in UK that time She died in USA ,I was a trainee,
In that day, we had a chilling video chat that time with my sister . We had a great chat then before she end the chat she said that she loves and care us not knowing that's the last voice I could hear from her ,In the next day some one called us , and we were informed that mum died " Penny burst into tears "I don't what to do ,I cried and cried , Not able to see her body and her funeral . I was suffering from grief and sadness , She was 27 years old she's too young to die , Questions came to my mind ,saying what have she done wrong ? Why don't she just live longer and see our future kids and more questions,
The my sister in the other side was depressed and not knowing that she ended her life too ,And my grandparents had divorce
that makes my life harder. and paused my trainings
I lost everything , I felt like Im just nothing until I was helped by a Grief counseling ,I was counseled and move on then after 3 years I became a firefighter"
DM was amazed and said " I love your story and Im so sorry for your lost maybe thats our life "
Penny smiled and said "the lessons I learned is to not to give up even the hardest situation"
DM said " okay no more dramas
lets go find dad and little George "
Penny smiled and walk with DM.

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