Paradise Kiss (1999 - 2003)

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Author: Yazawa Ai

Artist: Yazawa Ai

Genre: Drama, Romance

Status: Completed

Chapters: 48


High school student Yukari Hayasaka got recruited by strangely dressed people to model their clothing. It turns out they are they're fashion students from Yazawa School for the Arts. At first, she was hesitant until she was coerced by their ringleader, George Koizumi.

As Paradise Kiss' model, Yukari must learn to balance her new responsibilities with her hectic personal life. However, the more time she spends with George and the rest of the team, the harder it becomes for her to avoid getting swept up in the glitz and glamor of the fashion world.


I like how this was supposed to be a "follow your dreams in this big city" kind of trope but there are a lot of questionable acts that can be pointed out in this manga. First, Yukari is a still in high school and she was clearly gaslighted to loving fashion because she wants some George dick. Knowing this was written by Yazawa Ai, I'm not surprised anymore with the scandals that are in this manga. I can't deny that I didn't get hooked though. I was just disappointed with the flow and the end.

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐

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