{ The Phelps Household }

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{ Sal's Perspective }

I watch as the bus splashes in puddles driving down the road, slightly wishing I was there with him. What are these feelings I've developed for Travis? They can't be normal, especially for someone homophobic like him... he would never like me back anyways!!!

I turn around and start walking back towards my building, stepping in puddles on the way there. I walk into my building and see Larry standing in the foyer... fuck...

"Oh- hey, Larry!!" I say, trying to play it off
"...Sal... who did you just walk to the bus stop with?" Larry says, oh shit... he was watching me??

"Uhhm- uh...I-..." I don't wanna tell him, I know Larry, he's gonna be so upset with me!!!
"Uh.. Travis...Travis Phelps..."
"...Travis?!?!" Larry says.

"I know it seems bad, but he apologized!!! And we hungout!!! And everything was okay!!" I say, Larry giving me a concerned look.
"So what? You'd rather hangout with the poor, sad, insecure, angry asshole Travis than hangout with your best friend?!" Larry says, making a good point. Travis could just be guilt tripping me for more insults, who knows!!

Larry is my best friend, and I completely ignored him all day just because I have some stupid feelings for Travis.

"I'm sorry!! I know. I won't see him again..." I start walking away, Larry grabs my shoulder
I bump past him, hitting his shoulder and storm to the elevator
"...whatever. Do what you want. See that asshole more than me if you really fucking wanted to. Just don't complain to me when you realize he's fucking crazy."
Larry says, I look back at him as the elevator opens, his eyes piercing right through me.

"...whatever. I'll talk to you tomorrow." I say entering the elevator
"Will you?" I hear him say after. The door closes, i sigh. This it the first real disagreement we've ever really had.

I wouldn't call it an argument... but I just think Larry doesn't get it... Travis is a good person!!! I hope at least. I know Larry will come around eventually but he's always been kinda stubborn. I guess I'll the just sleep on it. Maybe I'll never hangout with Travis again.... But I doubt that... especially with everything going on, I can't stop thinking about him.

{ Travis's Perspective }

I unlock and open my front door, the whole house is dark except for the light of the television from my living room, I hear my father's favourite tv show on... but other than that my house is completely silent... something isn't right...

I walk in cautiously, closing the door as gently as possible, and holding all the keys as I placed it on the key holder near our door. I take off my shoes and put them at the air vent for them to dry. In my house I never call out when I'm home, in hopes he won't even notice im there. I hear footsteps from the living room, my heart sinks, I grab at my sweater.

My dad walks to the front door,,, right in front of me. He turns on the light to the foyer, he looks at me dead in the eye, he's holding a bottle of alcohol.

"...don't you have a meeting tomorrow morning at the church?" I say, feeling a nervous pit in my throat, making it hard to speak.
"Don't smart mouth me boy. What the fuck are you doing out so late?" He says... I stand in front of him, I try to hold back tears, I know this won't end well.

I look down avoiding eye contact, he throws the bottle to the floor, shattering it everywhere.
"LOOK AT ME" he says, I don't look up. He grabs the collar of my sweater and slams me into the front door, I feel a tear roll down my face as I flinch.

I look up, making eye contact with him
"I was at a friends house...that's all... a friends house..." I push him off of me and brush past him, immediately regretting what I had done. I feel him turn, he then pushes me to the ground

"WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE" I landed on glass and alcohol, slivers of glass go in my hand as I start to get up, I groan in pain, then look back up to him as he steps closer to me. He starts kicking me in my side, my arms give out, I fall more into the glass.

He grabs me off the floor, then slams me into the wall, he slaps me across the face and starts punching me in the stomach.
He beats me more
He doesn't stop...

He grabs my shirt and throws me to the floor again, in the glass..
"Well then he's more of a liar than you... worthless prick" he kicks me again then walks back into the living room where he continues to sit and watch tv, get fat on booze and food, and look like a fucking moron doing so.

While I'm cleaning wounds on my face and hands, while I'm removing glass from my arm, while I'm putting a cold press on my face to stop the swelling. This son of a bitch can sit and watch tv like nothing fucking happened, like he didn't just beat his own son, and he can be a priest at a church.

While he's getting drunk, beating me, and ruining our house, everyone out there thinks he's a normal priest with a perfect life, but nooo everyone that knows me sees me as a homophobic screw up, with a fucked up angry life, and I beat kids up and get bruises and scars and I'm the mess up of my life. But what they don't know is that I've never gotten in a serious fight with another person... maybe my dads right about one thing... I am a liar... just not about Sally Face... never about Sal.

It All Started With A Note: A Sally Face FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now