Chapter 2

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Hyunjin pov:
A knock on the door pulled me out of my thoughts, thats when i heard chan "Hyunjin come on we need to leave or else we will be late, the others are already in the van" i sight before taking one last look into the mirror and started to smile, it wasn't a real smile but over the time i perfected it so now nobody notices how im really feeling, what really goes through my head and especially no one noticed how tired of life i am....

I opened the door just to find chan staring at me with a stern face "what were you doing so long in the bathroom hyunjin? Is it getting worse again? Do you need to talk to someone?" After he asked me the two last questions his face got soft and i noticed the worry and concern in his eyes

Of course i cant one hundred percent fool my leader, he's so observant that he can literally tell just after a few minutes if everything is okay or not... i mean STAYS don't call chan Best Leader for nothing...

But sometimes i wish he wasn't that observant, at least not with me cause i don't think i can handle it again to tell chan about the demons and voices inside my head, i already had to tell him a year ago when he found me cutting in the bathroom, and after that i had to promise him to see a therapist....

I kept that promise and went to a therapist for a few sessions but it didn't help so i went back to faking my happiness and burring my worries and pain deep inside me

It worked for a few months but chan soon became suspicious of me again and i had to reassure him that im fine and if i need help, i would come to him..... i hate lying to him but i can't let him see me like that again, he himself has so many problems that he needs to deal with himself

"Im fine channie-hyung, i just had to wash my face thats all i promise" he looked at me for a few seconds before replying "okay but if you need help then you come to me immediately promise?" I chuckled lightly "i promise hyung, now lets go the others are waiting for us" i 'happily' skipped past him, out of the front door while chan walked slowly behind me

"That was close....chan almost found out ......shit i need to be more careful"

Chan pov:
Something is wrong with hyunjin but he just wont tell me and it's getting frustrating because i have to watch one of my members slowly destroying themselves and i can't do anything to help them...

But i guess if Hyunjin wants to act tough then i need to ask someone to help who is tougher and i already had the perfect person in mind so while getting in the van i made an mental note to talk to minho about Hyunjin, i know that he had a crush on hyunjin for the longest time, literally since our pre debute days so it won't be to hard to convince him to check on hyunjin, especially after he also witnessed one of hyunjin's break downs a year ago....

Two hours later

While we were taking a break from dancing i noticed that minho was standing alone and decided that that was my chance to talk to him so i walked over to him "hey Minho, can we talk real quick?" He looked at me a bit confused but still answered "yes, of course hyung why what's wrong?" I quietly looked around us if anyone was near enough to listen to our conversation

After confirming that we could talk in private i hesitantly started to talk "its about Hyunjin, i thinks it's getting worse again..." minho first looked at me shocked till he looked over to Hyunjin who was talking to Felix at the moment with one of the biggest fake smiles on his face and minho seemed to also notice that because he quickly replied "I'll talk to him, maybe he'll open up to me and lets me help him"

I sight in relief as soon as i heard that because even if i know that its going to take a while till he finally lets us help, i know that Minho is going to be there for him the whole time until that happens

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