Chapter 3

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Contains mention of sh

Minho pov:
Its been now two weeks since Chan told me about his suspicion, but hyunjin still refuses to talk to me so the best that i can do is be there for him, sleeping over at their dorm, cooking him food and cuddling him to sleep

Of course with how much time I've spend with him i noticed some things for example the way he flinches when i rub his thigh wich only raised the suspicion that he's getting worse

But whenever i try to ask him about that, he just laughs it off and tells me that it must be my imagination because im to worried, i mean the worried part is true but that it is all just my imagination? No that's definitely a lie but that isn't a surprise that someone who most of the times hides and lies about his feelings, is lying about such things

I noticed that Hyunjin always goes out of bed at night, now i know he just be using the toilet but i have a bad feeling about it so tonight im gonna follow and confront him, i just hope that he doesn't run away like always when i try to have a serious conversation with him

At night

it was currently 2am and i was starting to wonder if he was even going to the toilet tonight but exactly at that moment he started to get up and go to the toilet

I waited five minutes before i got up to follow him, but when i opened the bathroom door i saw a sight that i never wanted to see, hyunjin sat on the toilet seat with his shorts down and a bloody razor in his hand, as soon as he noticed me, he started to panic, pulled up his shorts over his bloody thigh and throwing the razor away

"H-hyung i-its not what it l-looks like..." he started but i didn't want to hear anything till i patched him up, so thats what i did, i walked closer to him and pulled his shorts a bit down, he gasped while i just took a bit of toilet paper, wetted it a bit before softly dabbing the paper against his bloody thigh

While i finished putting the bandage around his thigh he started fiddling with his fingers while looking down

As soon as i finished the bandage, i pulled up his shorts and pulled hyunjin into my arms, as soon as i hugged him he started to softly sniffle wich soon turned into pained crys, my heart ached hearing him cry like that but i couldn't do anything except holding him close so thats what i did

After a few minutes he started to calm down and started talking "i-im so sorry h-hyung... i kn-know i promised t-to tell you guys w-when it gets w-worse b-but i di-didn't want to bur-burden you with my problems...." I signed softly before i replied "you could never burden us hyunjin, we love you and we want to help you so please let us, please let us help you"

He nodded before looking up a little, before implying that he wanted a hug "aish come here" i pulled him back into my chest before softly whispering into his ear "im always here for you, you'll always be safe in my Arms" he sniffed while i started to rock us back and forth

After a little bit over ten minutes he started to fall asleep as he has probably exhausted himself to much, so i picked him up bridal style and placed him softly on his bed before climbing behind him, pressing a soft kiss to his forehead before i whispered the words that i always wanted to tell him "i love you Hyunjinnie" and with that i also fell asleep

Safe in my arms حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن