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Vance's p.o.v:
I'm at the fucking police station, JUST
BECAUSE I BREAT UP A KID. I mean he was bleeding a lot... but it's his fault! He called me a fairy. "Vance hopper?" Some old fat guy said to me "no shit" I said back. He made me follow him.
No one's p.o.v
"My name is Jim hopper-" Vance quickly cut him off "you think I care?" Hopper started be get Annoyed, but then thought something.. " what's your name again?" Hopper asked "Vance hopper, are you stupid you just said it like 5 min-" he got cut off by hopper walking out the office. "What the fuck.." after about 15 minutes he finally came back " listen man I'm sorry or whatever Can I go?" Vance asked "no, no you can't you have to stay here." "Dude I punched him in self defense. I usually get out by now." Vance started to get angry. "I made some phone calls... and I'm your uncle, your going to start living with me." Hopper said " nah wtf what about my dad?" "He's in jail." "Oh. Um I still don't want to stay with you" "you have no choice. Get up, let's go" Vance sighed but went with the fat dude.

 Get up, let's go" Vance sighed but went with the fat dude

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