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Bruce's pov
(Cw: making out🌚)
Vance came to my house and it was very unusual he came to my room then.. kissed me?! It was very unexpected but I've been wanting to do that I just never had the guts to do it.

As Vance kissed Bruce, Vance lifted Bruce off the group and up against the wall
That ended about 18 minutes later, leaving Bruce with about 3 hickeys that he would later have to hide with his moms concealer🌝

The next day at school

The two groups (ghost boys and the party) decided it would be nice to get to know each other, (Not including robin a.,Vance,max and Robin b., they decided to hang out in their own little group) as Vance's group walked by Vance saw a peak of what happened last night on Bruce's neck, so he decided to tease him. "Bruceyyy" he gave me a glare which would've been scary if he wasn't pouting. "Did someone hit you, what's on your neck?" Everyone looked confused but Bruce turned bright red and turned around so he couldn't see me anymore "go away hopper!" He said kinda yelling untill the last word at that point he was yelling. "Bruce what did happen?" said finney concerned "Yeah what happened?" everyone started asking seeing what was on Bruce's neck. He turned so red, until the bell rung and he ran away.

After school/finneys p.o.v(bold is Amy - italics is Gwen)
I was eavesdropping on my sister And her friend, idk why don't judge me🙄 "Amy.." "what..." "okay so this might sound weird but.." "I'm scared." "You should be. But that's not the point," "last night, I had a dream.. of your brother." "Uhh what was he doing" "soo he was kinda kissingvancehopper" "WHATTTT" "I KNOW RIGHT?!?" Nawwww Bruce and Vance hopper!?!? Her dreams are usually right but no way on this one😭 they've been hating eachother since they were like 11 or 12. Actually it was weird today when there was something on Bruce's neck and Vance pointed it out... OH WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK THAT WASNR A BRUISE OMG. SHOULD I TELL ANYONE??? AHHHHHHH IM SO CONFUSED.

/sooo this chapter was kinda sudden... but tell me if y'all want anything to be changed💯🔥/

 but tell me if y'all want anything to be changed💯🔥/

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