First Impressions

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For most people the wave of Spanish air they feel when they step off the plane is warm and welcoming but for you it feels like thick smoke and every breathe you take makes it harder to breathe. The last time you came to Barcelona lead to the worse day of your life and since then the place your parents called home was nothing than a reminder of what you have lost. It is because of this that you hadn't stepped foot in Catalonian city since.

Upon entering arrivals you are met with your driver holding a board with only your first name on it.

"Miss Y/N" the driver extended his hand.

"Just the one name, I feel like Adele" you joked.

The drive only took thirty minutes which you found impressive considering it was game day for a women's football team of Barcelona. You looked anywhere but outside the window as you pulled up to the stadium. You could hear the fans before you opened the door, the sound and sight of them made you overwhelmed.

"Here, I thought you might want this" the man in the driver's seat passes you a cap "your mother said you would forget to bring one"

You hated being predictable, you much preferred to keep people on their toes but in that moment you are grateful that your mother knew you so well.

"Do you want me to do a lap of the car park?"

"No, I just need a minute"

It's just a football game. You're here a fan, it doesn't have to be anything more.

Following the signs to the family section you are sure to dip your head as people pass by. Sure it would have been easier to get private seats but then you would have to had let the club know you were coming and no way could you have gotten away without having a meeting with them, especially with the news your manager had given them a couple of weeks ago.

Once in your seat you notice a girl sitting next to you, she looked weirdly familiar but you know that you had never met her before. It is only when you watch the player's come out for their warm ups to put 2 and 2 together. The girl had a striking resemblance to the player whose name was on the back of most fan's shirts.

"Hola" The girl next to you says "I haven't seen you at a game before. Are you here supporting a family member?"

"Hi. No, I'm not. I'm a friend of Lieke Martens"

"Are you a Barcelona fan?"

You could tell the girl was being polite but you just wanted to watch the game. You didn't want anyone to know you were in the city and the more you talk to her, the more likely she is to recognise you.

"They're a family team"

"You're from here?" The brunette wouldn't have guessed. You're dutch accent wasn't overly strong but you definitely didn't have a Spanish tone.

"The Netherlands"

"You're Dutch. That makes sense if you know Lieke"

Ok so she didn't recognise you, maybe she didn't watch any football games other than her sisters.

"I'm Alba. Alexia's sister"

"Y/N. It's a pleasure to meet you Alba"

"Just Y/N"

You only hum in response. She may not know you're a football player but there's no way she wouldn't know your last name.

The younger Putellas lets you watch the game in peace. It is only when you react badly to one of the ref's calls does she begin to pay attention to what you are saying and the way you are saying it. You hear her say your name followed by a tap on the shoulder but when you turn to face her you see that she is joined by an older woman. The way the look in her eyes changes let you know that she knows more about football than her youngest daughter does.

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