Can I Ask You a Question?

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The sun shon down on the beach in Ibiza. The heat along with the smell of the sea was enough to make you forget about the past and the future. For the past 4 days you had been in the present and it made you feel more at ease than you had done in months. A couple of nights ago you had bumped into some of the Barcelona girls and in Jill's slightly drunken state she had invited them over to your house for food and drinks. This is something you didn't fight, in fact you encouraged it stating that you will set up the entire night. All the Spaniards had to do was show up.

Alexia had reached out after the World Cup final and the two of you had been talking ever since and much to your surprise football didn't get brought up once. It did however bring up feelings that you feared would come but you couldn't blame yourself the woman was beautiful and getting to know her on a personal level only added to your crush.

"Y/N!" You heard Daan shout from up at the house.

The villa you were staying in was beautiful and owned by a family friend. It had everything you needed: several bedrooms, a huge pool and a private beach. You really had no reason to leave but there's no way you can come to Ibiza and not venture out to experience the electric night life.

"Coming!" You unbury your feet from the sand before making your way to the house so you can get ready.

Choosing an outfit proved to be a difficult choice. Alexia, in her nervous state, had messaged you earlier in the day asking what she should wear. A couple of hours later she sent you a photo of a dress. It was simple yet you know it would take your breath away once you saw her in it.

As you looked through your wardrobe, which was full, you felt like you had nothing to wear.

You stormed into Jill's room in frustration. The blonde only laughed at your child like behaviour before reaching into a shopping bag. She help up an olive green silk dress with a low cut front which was borderline on being too low.

"I saw this when we went into town earlier. I thought it would suit you and it will be sure to drive any woman wild, especially Catalonians who you may or may not have a crush on"

"Can you blame me? Alexia is hot, like really hot"

Jill may not have mentioned her name but she saw the way you watched the Spanish woman dance when you bumped in them the other night. She would say you had heart eyes but they were full of lust.

"I thought you weren't the type to have flings"

"I'm still not"

"Not even a little holiday romance"

"That's not who I am and you both know that it's not like I can sleep with her here and not face the consequences when the season starts"

"Wait! What!"

You had been so careful to keep you mouth shut and having told Jill out of all people might come back around to bite you in the arse.

"I mean it could do, if I decide to go there"

Silence filled the room for all of five seconds before Jill changed to the subject and showed you what she planned on wearing for the night. You could only hoped she believed your cover and if not you prayed to the higher powers that she keeps her mouth shut but you knew it was a gamble because Jill had no filter when she drank.

Alexia took one last look in the mirror as she gave herself the once over for the fifth time in last ten minutes. Whenever she came to Ibiza in the past her main aim was to relax and recover in anticipation for the upcoming season but tonight she was willing to let go and have fun. She wasn't sure what the future held and knowing that this might be the last night she saw you for some time she was planning on making the most of it.

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