Home Part 1

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Looking out over the clouds Alexia couldn't help but wonder what you had planned. Last night she was crying on your doorstep and now she was on a plane to Amsterdam. You were typing rapidly on your phone and sighing every 30 seconds, she knew there was something you weren't telling her.

"Y/N" Alexia says but her words fall on deaf ears.

She takes in your features. The way your eyes squint ever so slightly as you concentrate of the words you are typing out. You shake your head whilst reading the reply or at least that is what Alexia assumes you are doing.

"Y/N" Alexia squeezes your thigh "Earth to Y/N"

Now she has your attention but instead of facing her, you eyes are locked onto her hand which even after getting your attention still rests comfortably on your thigh. It causes a panic within you but a good one.

"Yes Alexia" instead of removing the hand you place yours over it.

"Should we be doing this. Going to Amsterdam I mean"

"Of course. It was my idea"

"It's just that you've been on your phone for the past 45 minutes and whatever you are doing is frustrating you, I can tell"

She could tell. You had allowed Alexia close enough to know what you are feeling and when your feeling it without having to talk.

It takes a few seconds for you to respond. How do you tell the woman who hates doing public appearances that you are taking her to one of the most popular charity events in football.

"So I may not be telling you the whole truth as to why we are going to Amsterdam. You see there's this thing. A thing which I didn't plan on going to but then I saw you and thought it would be a good distraction only now I'm realising that this thing isn't something that you like to do. This thing is something that I shouldn't have signed you up for before talking to about it"

"I'm sure everything will be ok. I like to think you know me well and I know you wouldn't make me do anything that would make me uncomfortable"

"Technically I'm not making you do anything"

"Y/N tell me whatever it is you're not telling me"

"I told my mother that we are coming to Amsterdam and she assumed meant I was going to the annual foundation dinner and that you would be accompanying me"

You wait for the reaction. Instead of responding in any way, Alexia diverts her attention to the view out the window. It makes you very nervous. Is whatever she is feeling so bad that she cannot even look at you?

"I thought you were taking me home"

Her voice is quiet and you can just about hear the hurt in her tone.

"I am. Alexia I have planned on taking you to Amsterdam for a while I promise. It's just my mother, she, well she—"

Alexia's tries and fails to cover her laughter.

"You're not mad?" You didn't know what was happening.

When the Catalonian turns around you see a huge grin on her face.

"Alexia!" You slap her playfully "I thought I hurt your feelings. Don't do that to me again"

"I'm sorry. You get tense very easily you know"

"It's the event. It's — you'll find out soon"

"Is this the only public appearance you have signed me up for or should I call my manager?"

"It's just this one. I promise after the event we have two days in Amsterdam to do whatever you want. There will be no appearances"

"Just me and you?" Alexia asks.

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