I'll watching my love

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(WARNING: there are stalking and cussing in this chapter)

Julius's POV: I follow Selever to his house, seeing he lives in a church made me think, "A demon living in a church?"

I watch him enter the church, and go up to his room. PERFECT! I can see him through his window. I watch him, admiring every movement he makes. He's so cute and perfect for me. As he glances out the window, I quickly hide from him, hoping I wasn't caught. Luckily he didn't see me, I didn't want him to know that I was stalking him. I know it'll ruin my chance with him.

Selever's POV: "I'm bored, I don't know what to do anymore. There's nothing good to do." I hear my mom, calling me down for dinner. I don't waste time and go down, sitting down at the dinner table.

Julius's POV: I watch him get out of my sight, he's probably just going to eat or get something. I wait for Selever to come back to his room so I can admire him again, watching everything he does. I see him after about 10 minutes later, but not in him room. I wonder what he's going to do.

I watch him exit the church. It looks like he's going to the park. I wanted to go there anyway. I follow him, I know I need to be there first so I can watch him. I hurry to the park and hide behind a tree. He sits on a near by bench, I can clearly see him. He looks cuter than earlier, handsome too.

💖Oh my love💖  Selever x JuliusDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora