Steve's POV (1st person)

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"Steve, wake up. It's me - Tony."
Yawning loudly, I rolled onto my back and stretched out my muscular arms. "What time is it?" There was a quiet click as the light flickered on and the handsome billionaire made his way to my curtains, checking they were properly closed before turning and grinning. "Who cares?" Tony said slyly, "The whole team is out on a mission." He slid onto the edge of my four poster bed and smirked mischievously. "It's just you-" he booped my nose, "-and me" he booped his own nose. His eyes flicked down to my dry lips and I subconsciously licked them in anticipation.

"The whole team, you say?" I murmured slowly, getting onto all fours. "Yeah," he started, "They're all after this Winter Sold-" I stopped his flow of speech with a long, slow kiss on the lips. I took his smooth, beautiful face in my hands and he took mine in his. We  broke apart after a minute, gasping for breath and leaned against each other. We snuggled under my duvet (both wearing pajamas) and  talked fondly of the future.

"God, I wish I could spend every morning like this." Tony muttered longingly. I sighed dejectedly. I knew what he meant. Back in the 40s when I was a major American celebrity I couldn't go on a date with anyone. Dozens of women asked me out daily and some of them were the sweetest people I ever met. But if I said yes to any of them I would be called a 'womanizer'. That's what happened when me and Peg got together. It was in the papers for the whole week: 'Pervert Rogers gets lucky in the barracks at war while we die in his name'
'Steve Rogers: America's best soldier or best womanizer?'
Bucky and I had two girl best friends so we took them to one of Howard Stark's parties. However, according to the news the next morning I had 3000 girlfriends and was cheating scum.

But now I was in a gay relationship I had to be even more secretive. As a man from the 1940s, society expected me to be traditional and proper. And I was a beacon of hope to all, so I had to deliver. Me and Tony had to act with the utmost discretion when we hooked up. But for once, it was nice to not worry about someone barging in to notify me of a mission and seeing us together. Today we could be free.

"What do you want to do today?" My voice croaked out, causing me to grimace. Tony rolled over to face me, his breath warm on my forehead. "Want to get a good sleep for once?" I laughed at how longing his voice sounded. "I meant something productive."
"Pwease?" He looked at me with huge, puppy dog eyes, his energy from earlier a forgotten dream. I rolled my eyes, "Fine, but after that you'll spar with me in the gym."
A muffled: "M'kay," reached my sensitive ears from underneath the duvet and pillows. Smiling fondly at him, I huddled against my secret boyfriend and drifted back off to sleep.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~five hours later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I woke to the sound of birds chirping joyfully outside my window and late morning sunlight flooding through my slightly parted blackout curtains. I yawned and sat upright, being careful not to disturb the sleeping beauty next to me.

Sweeping my eyes across the room, my eyes landed on my captain America alarm clock (some fangirl gave it to me for free for some reason). The red digits in the black screen read: 08:37. "Jesus Christ Tony!"
"Huh? What? What's going on?" A baffled iron man emerged from the depths of the duvet, a baffled expression on his now wide awake face. I punched him on the forearm playfully and glared. "You woke me up at three in the effing morning to do what!? Steal my duvet! Un- be- lievable!"

Tony pouted at me from the nest he had made, "I thought you'd want some company know..." He mumbled sulkily. I smirked at the feeble attempt at an excuse. However, I did appreciate the gesture. In the past few weeks my sleep schedule had been all over the place due to my stubborn insistence on finding Bucky. Tony knew how hard it was for me, searching day and night for a ghost limited our already near nonexistent time together. Finally when we had located him, Fury had forbade me from joining the mission because of my personal connection that he said could get in the way of me doing the right thing.

"Alright, you are forgiven." I laughed, rolling my eyes. "I'm gonna take a shower then I'll meet you in your workshop so you can show me the new features in my shield." My muscles were way too achy for the sparring session I had proposed earlier.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I emerged from the steamy bathroom wearing a simple tight fitted black shirt and beige cargo pants. Tiny was gone - presumably to change into his work clothes - so I used the chance to clean my bedroom.

I started with the bed: straightening up the bedsheets and laying out the pillows in a hotel-like fashion. The next victim was my desk. Pencils and paintbrushes were strewn across the table like sprinkles on a child's birthday cake. Pages of my sketchbook with abandoned designs were scattered around: imitating leaves on a forrest floor. Gathering my papers in one hand and the drawing utensils in the other, I stuffed the designs in an already over flowing draw and shoved the pencils into an old Coney Island mug.

Content with how my workspace was laid out, I moved my attention to the floor. My Captain America suit hung off my chest of drawers inside out and clothes from the past month had been deposited in a huge pile blocking the door way. Wrinkling my nose in disgust, I grabbed a sword we had been inspecting from the last HYDRA base we raided and used it to gingerly pick up the mountain of clothes one at a time. I dumped each item in a wicker basket with great care so as not to drop any on my clean trainers.

As if by magic, three short knocks came at the door and I opened it to see my boyfriend's devilishly handsome face beaming at me from under a welding mask. Grinning manically, I followed Tony down the marble staircase and into his workshop/bedroom/café.

"Whoa," I gasped in wonder. My jaw dropped as I looked around the room with as much enthusiasm as an excited puppy. The heavenly smell of coffee drifted to my nose and my eyes were drawn to the far corner of the room. Stood on a three legged table, there in all its glory and magnificence, was the Stark Caffeinater 2.0. So this was what had been keeping us apart for so long. A coffee machine. Unbelievable. But yet, so believable considering the type of man Tony was. Curiosity taking a hold of me, I inspected the multicolored buttons and switches, each labelled with a weird and wonderful flavor. Black forest gateau. Ginger. Biscoff. Rum. Tequila. Peanut butter. Beer. Bubblegum. Tony made all this for coffee? "Tony," I started sceptically, "Why are there so many alcoholic flavours?" I arched an eyebrow suspiciously and placed my hands on my hips.

Tony laughed. "Oh stop your whining. It's not like I'm swearing!" He joked, giving me a pointed look. "Anyway, this is what I wanted to show you." He gestured excitedly toward an object cloaked in a velvet cover. With a dramatic flourish, he whipped off the cover allowing me to see what he had been working on. "So as you can see, this is not you're actual shield, this is just titanium. Vibranium is way to expensive for me to experiment on only to find out you don't like it, even for a genius billionaire like myself." I nodded, letting the information soak in before picking up the shield and weighing it in my hands. It was heavier than mine, and not so balanced but it would do the job just fine while I tested out the new modifications.

"So," Tony began, rubbing his toughened hands together, "What we're talking is built in AI assistance, so you press the button here-," he pointed to a green button on the strap, "- and Jarvis's voice will automatically activate in your earpiece." I looked at him blankly, "A bit like Bluetooth," he explained patiently. My baffled expression increased. "Erm," he scratched his head, thinking of a better analogy to use that I might understand. "You know the radio in the plane Peggy used to talk to you before you, yanno-" he drew a line across his neck,"Well, it's kinda like that, but in your ear and Jarvis will answer instead of a real human," I nodded in understanding. "So, that's the first new feature. The second is this." He tapped the centre of the star where a small spoke was sticking out. "It's a grappling hook, so you tell Jarvis when you want to use it and just aim it at where you need it to latch on." I smiled, acknowledging the improvement. "And the final improvement is that the edges can be laced with a poison of your choice: say code red into your earpiece for instant death, code blue for ten minutes loss of consciousness, purple for an hour lights out, white for a day and black for complete control over what the victim does for the next two hours." I grimaced at the last one - mind control was not my cup of tea. I vowed never to use code black in all my career as an Avenger.

"Well -,"
"Sir," Jarvis interjected, "Apologies for my interruption, but the Avengers have arrived with Mr Barnes."
"Very well," Tony stated,"We'll head up there now."

Heyy. This is a Stony and Stucky fanfiction. I have a problem cuz I like writing fluff like this but I love reading angst, so you can expect a bit of both. Hope you like it, Knox xx.

Stuck in StoneOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora