Bucky's POV (3rd person)

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The Winter Soldier glared around the cosy living room, noting down mentally that there were no windows but two doors and a kitchen attached. He did a thorough inspection of the new humans in the room. The pair of agents that had escorted him from the carrier jet had left his side and were now stationed in front of each door, guns raised and pointed directly at his chest. Well, the soldier certainly respected their lack of discretion. He was getting tired of people pretending to be his friend only to realize they were using him to their advantage and had been ready to kill him the whole time.

Most of the "Avengers" - what a stupid name - in the room had been on the jet with him so he had already sized them up. The red head gave him the impression that she was a no nonsense kind of person and liked to get the job done quickly. Yet there was something more to herz she had a mysterious air that made the winter soldier wonder if she had a past with an organisation like HYDRA and if she was hiding things, even from her colleagues.
Next to be scrutinized had been the blonde wearing a similar outfit to the red head. The soldier had seen he was skilful with a bow and arrow, but in close range he would be easy to take down.
Finally, the short, middle aged man with curly brown hair and streaks of gray. He got the impression that this was the brains of the operation - the "man in the chair" as he had heard a teenager say to his friend on the bus a few months back - and didn't do a lot of fighting. Yet there was pain behind those wise eyes, like he had seen unspeakable things. Done unspeakable things.

However, there were two newcomers gawking at him. The first one he noticed had a cocky and arrogant attitude - most definitely rich - and a glowing orb in his chest. That indicated heart problems, and The winter soldier knew if he shot that, the man was down. The other one seemed vaguely familiar, but he couldn't quite pinpoint where he had seen him before. He had short blonde hair and a chivalrous aura, undoubtedly a member of the US army. He had muscles like he was on steroids, which gave the soldier a very unprofessional tingling sensation in his abdomen and seemed a bit old fashioned. He wondered if this man was another of HYDRA's projects. This man was looking at him with an emotion the soldier couldn't put a finger on. Reading people's emotions wasn't his strong suit - he mainly focused on physical build and the level of threat the victim showed toward him. Was it.... longing?

Having identified the biggest threats (cute buff blonde guy and the red head) and located every possible escape route, Bucky - he didn't know why, but it seemed right when he saw the blonde soldier - moved on to scanning the room to find out about his captors.

In the centre of the room was a black, leather couch facing an 80inch TV screen. Blankets and cushions hid the majority of the seat and pages out of a sketch book were scattered across the coffee table in front. Most of the drawings featured the cocky rich man, but others were of a woman that also seemed familiar and him? What was Bucky doing in a drawing with his arms wrapped around the shoulders of a scrawny blonde kid? It couldn't have been mission related - the only physical contact Bucky ever made with a human was to kill them - and he was younger. He had two flesh arms and shorter hair. This was obviously when he was younger, but how did these people know what he looked like back then? That was in the 30s and 40s!

Bucky suddenly noticed a pair of blue eyes bearing into the side of his head. Sneaking a quick glance, he realized it was the hot blonde soldier. He seemed to realize what Bucky was staring at and hurriedly gathered up the sketches and shoved them into his back pocket rolled up. Deciding to ponder the soldier's weird actions later, Bucky brought his attention back to the room.

The walls were painted dark green - a bold decision but reflected the rich man's personality well - and the floor was a polished hard wood. Bucky knew the design wasn't agreed by the team, he could practically feel their uncomfortableness at being in the room for so long. The only member of the team that didn't seem to mind was the arrogant man, this was evidently his choice, possibly even his building.

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