Tony POV (1st person)

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I glared at my boyfriend as he joined the rest of the team for dinner. He had excused himself at the start to give Bucky some food and see how he was settling in. I wasn't stupid. I knew he had already spoken to Bucky and done god knows what else. They had been dating during the war, so who knew what kind of feelings were resurfacing after all this time. I thought about all the times Steve had brought me food when I was working in my lab. None. The vegan cobbler I was chewing on turned bitter in my mouth.

"Tony! Hey! Earth to Iron Man!" Clint clicked his fingers in front of my face and I snapped out of my silent rant, bringing my attention back to the table. I looked at my team mate with a perplexed expression.
"What?" I asked sharply.
"Jeez Louise, someone's a bit grumpy this evening! I was just gonna say, don't you think the pea's gonna suffer enough being chewed up in your mouth?" Clint joked, eyes sparkling with humour.
"Huh?" I looked down at my plate in confusion. My fork was embedded in a pea which I had evidently been stabbing relentlessly for the last couple of minutes. My cheeks flushed with embarrassment - a great billionaire like myself shouldn't be seen taking out his anger on a food product.

"So what did you two do this weekend while we were out catching Mr death glare?" Sam queried to break the awkward silence in the room. I glanced at Steve, who looked at me questioningly. "Oh, erm, nothing much really. Bit of paperwork and working in the lab. Same old, same old." I eyed a dumpling viciously.
"Okaay, what about you, Steve?"
"I tested out the new features Tony designed for my shield and went over Bucky's file." Steve recounted, taking a sip of his mineral water.
"Is that all? While everyone else was out risking their lives the only thing you could think of to do was play with your toys and daydream about your little crush?" I cut in scathingly. Steve gaped at me, shock written all over his face. "Excuse me?" He responded with hurt laced in his voice," I- I don't know what you're talking about. He's my best friend!" I snorted bitterly, ignoring his bewildered blue eyes staring hard at me. I slammed my fork onto my plate and stormed out of the dining room. I heard a scrape as Steve pushed out his chair to follow me.

I marched into my bedroom and slammed the door behind me. I heard a small thud as a picture fell off the wall from the force. There was a knock at the door."Tony! Tony, let me in please. We need to talk." I sighed and belly flopped into my double bed. "Come in." I mumbled, my voice coming out muffled. The door clicked open and I raised my head slightly to see my boyfriend tip toe in. "What do you want?"
"To know what's up with you! Why are you acting so moody? We were fine this morning before everyone got back."
I frowned in a pathetic glare.
"No, ever since he got back." Steve sighed and perched on the edge of my bed.
"Look, I know why you don't like him, but that was nearly a century ago! All those feelings are long gone: I love you now, all I'm doing is looking out for an old friend."
I bit my lip uncertainly. "Are- are you sure?"
I grinned and rugby tackled him so I had him pinned down on the bed. I kissed him on the lips before jumping off. "I guess I should apologize to the others."
Steve punched my arm playfully. "You're only saying that because you want desert!"
"Maybe, race you there!"
I swung open the door and charged down the corridor, the supersoldier one my tail and closing in. Yet despite his reassurances, my doubts still remained.

Hiii! I know, this is super short. I'm sorry, I've been really busy so couldn't write a long chapter, but I wanted to give you this short, kinda fluffy chapter. I probably won't update too often for about a month or two, but I won't leave you hanging for too long.

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