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Y/n has made it her mission to befriend me since she came here. And honestly its annoying. Its annoying how beautiful she is. Its annoying how Kind she is. Its fucking annoying how shes actually looks similar to Kanae with her damn hair and smile!!!

I know that if i give in and be her friend ill catch feelings for her and i don't want that because i'm still madly in love with Kanae even though its been 4 years!

"You look stressed Shinazugawa" Y/n says

"JEASUS! GOD DAMMIT!" I yelled standing up.

"Stop sneaking up on people! you'll give one of is a heart attack!"

"I didn't sneak up on you though? " she says.

"Whatever. What do you want"

"Well I was hoping that you would go on a walk with me" she says.

"Why would i want to do that?" I asked

"I go on walks to surround myself with nature, because i'm actually allergic to pollen, which is Ironic since im the Natire Hashira, I was wondering if you wanted to join me, more so for my safety incase i have a bad reaction" She says

"But if you're allergic to Nature why would you deliberately surround yourself with it" I asked

"So my body gets used to it and so i can improve my breathing" she says.

"Then go do that. I ain't going with you" i say

"Why not? we can train together" She says

"Ill pass"

"Shinazugawa im trying to be nice here. Why wont you let me!?" she asked

"God you're like a fucking parasite that just wont go away no matter what! Why wont you get the damn message that I don't want to be your friend!" I yelled.

she looked at me blankly. A single tear rolled down her cheek. But then she smiled.

"Silly allergies, and I completely understand, you're stressed and want to be left alone, but there are nicer ways to go about it than referring me to a parasite" She says.

Before i could say anything she walked away.

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