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When we got to my village I rushed straight to my family home. I bust in snd found everyone gathered having dinner.

"y/n is here!" My little brother Niko smiled

"What a lovely surprise" My mother smiled

I felt so much relief knowing my family was okay.

"Y/n are you okay?" my oldest brother, Kenjiro asked.

"Ah yes i-I'm fine I'm here on a mission actually...can i just ask that you all stay inside for tonight i promise i'm going to take care of it" I say

"oh has a demon been spotted?" My father asked

"yes, so just stay inside" i say before leaving

Sanemi looked at me and he looked relieved to see that i was okay.

"My family is fine...lets track this demon down" I say.

Just then a scream came from a house near by.

"no need we just did" he says

we rushed over and inside was mrs Tachibana with a demon on her.

"You got it?" Sanemi asked

"Yeah you do a sweep across the villaige make sure theres no other demons near by" i say.

He nods and ran off. I drew my sword while the demon was distracted and and quickly slashed its head off. Once it disintegrated I turned and went to see if Mrs Tachibana was okay, She was a lovely old lady and id be dammed if anything happened to her.

"What was that creature" she asked

"That was a demon Mrs Tachibana but its alright now i've killed it, are you alright" I asked 

"I think so" she says.

"Village is all clear y/n" Sanemi says.

"y/n? Oh my y/n you've grown so much!" Mrs Tachibana says

"I cut my hair which is why you didn't recognise me" I giggled.

"You are still so beautiful," She says as i helped her up.

"Thank you Mrs Tachibana, i better be off, Please be carful, If you are able to get a hold of some wisteria flowers that should keep the demons away" i say.

"Oh i will, thank you" She smiled

After leaving her home i put my sword away and sighed.

"You got yourself all worked up you lost focous of your breathing" Sanemi commented

"I know...I'm sorry i just..when i heard my home town i immediately feared that my family was in danger..." I say.

Sanemi nodded and stroked my hair gently.

"Deep breaths, take a minute to calm down and get yourself back to normal" he says

I nodded and focused on my breathing. Once cam i felt Sanemi cup my cheeks and press a kiss on my forehead.

"feeling better?" he asked

"Mhm, thank you" I say softly.

"Well since were here you may as well meet my family" I say.

"You think were at that stage?" he asked

"Sanemi we has sex in the hot springs I think were at that stage by now" i giggled.

"True, well lead the way" he says

(Sanemi x Reader) To be lovedWhere stories live. Discover now