Chapter 4

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(3 weeks later they slept on the couch but y/n been waking up and not going back to sleep sans is worried but went out to hunt without y/n knowledge)

Y/n pov-

"I awaken and see sans no where and then I look outside and see its dark I get worried but then I feel the string that's between us he's still alive good *sigh* that scared me he seems to be asking if I'm alright by the way his emotions are though the soul string I share my emotions though the link in a way telling him I'm alright he shares his emotions again but I feel something hidden behind it like an intention to someone or something  then he  stopped sharing his emotions before I could investigate further  i cut off mine too so i don't fighten him and then I heard"



"Huh who's here?"








(you see cracks forming in the door )

(You rush up stairs no caring about the noises  your making)


"I think they got in  the house*


?-it seems like he's not here then I guess the small fox soul is for the taking or I could lure him out 

" are they even trying to whisper?? Why am I criticizing the one who can kill me??"


(You bite there hand)

"it oddly tast like fresh fish??with a very small rush of magic weird"

(They grab you by the nap and your whole body paw-ses)

(you open up your soul string link to sans and sans gets hit with your emotions within seconds)



(You look up and see sans and you want to reach for him but can't)


sans-your in MY territory and MY town so If I want too "QUEEN" I can KILL YOU right here and NOW 

?-do you want to start a war undying?

Undying?-no .... Fine ill leave

(Stops undying with a there paw)


undying?-ill be back for this human with an army so prepare sans and doggo ressa and doggo miy



( you run to sans but then you see a snake in his place you cower)

(Then you try to hide)

(But the snake coils around you)

(you Struggle)

sans-little fox its me sans shh shh its ok 

-sans! (You hug him)

-why didn't you tell me

(you still quiver a little in fear)

Sans-cause I was afraid of this reaction

 A/n#looks like this kinda remembers he can also hypnotic in this form/

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 A/n#looks like this kinda remembers he can also hypnotic in this form/

Sans-i heard  you had a hard time sleeping with those nightmares lately

sans-want some help?


Sans-look into my eye sweetheart

(Sans voice changed to a claiming and relaxing one its deeper also)

-hey sans why are your eye changing form red and f/c?

Sans-just watch and listen to my voice Sweetheart


Sans-dont you feel at peace the more you listen to my voice and my eye reminds you of something what does it remind you of?

-home safe and claim

(You feel safe and more relaxed)

Sans-look deeper and keep that feeling in your soul 

(You do as said then you feel weird?)

sans-now you trust me right sweetheart?


Sans-ok now you just need to close your eyes and imagine a place Pease full and claiming then 


(your in your mind stuck in a peace full place asleep)

Sans pov- 

"I'm sorry y/n but I need to know what happened in more detail"

(Time skip after you explain everything that happened in more detail)

Sans-sleep now y/n and when you wake you won't remember I hypnotized you and everything after hypnotized you 

(You then fell forward asleep in sans arms and then sans telports you too his room and he fell asleep with you in his arms)

A/n# hope you enjoyed this chapter for those who want a update on season 2 of reincarnation as dream sans just vote if you vote want to know ill reveal the title

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