Chapter 2~ Part of My Powers

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"Amaya? Where are you? We're home!"
I am turning twelve in two days, yet I am not allowed outside of the house.
"Where else would I be?" I say crawling out from behind the pantry, "I always in in the pantry. There is nowhere else for me to hide."
My life is weird. I either have blue skin with blond hair, or I have blue hair and cream skin like my dad. I have watched videos on YouTube of what normal kids do. They go to school and learn the things that I knew the day I could speak. I don't know how I can do these things, yet I have always known what to do. When I was four, I told my mom that I would need a place to hide if mean people got into our house. That is why I come out of the cupboard everyday.
"Has my gift come yet?" I ask, seeing nothing else to do,"It is driving me crazy wondering what it will be!"
"No it has not come yet. We would know. The note that was left on your bassinet said it would be something very noticeable."
I moan because I know there is nothing else to do. I help my mom make dinner, and yet again, I have to try and put the water in the pot without a cup. The bowl with the water in it sits on the counter without moving. All of a sudden I see a single drop of water come out of the bowl and plunge to the ground.

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