Chapter 9~ Only the Begining

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Sera continues to burn down buildings until there are only five left. Mine, hers, the bank, the mayor's house, and the homeless center. The townspeople find riddles taped to these remaining buildings."a single Household, and a place for all will be spared, but one by one the rest will be lost." Because of this, my parents are suspected of the burnings, only because they are the smartest people in town.
My parents now know that I was telling the truth about Sera and agree to let me stop her. I can see the rain clouds rolling in, but I know Sera will push them away. I must hurry if I want to stop this madness. I watch from the shadows as Sera approaches the mayor's house.
"You can do this. Just believe in yourself." I whisper to myself, ready to stop this.
She starts the fire, and I put it out. She turns to see what is happening, but sees no one. She starts the fire again, but in many places. I shoot the water from different directions as people start to gather. I duck behind a trash can just as she becomes a fiery monster. Her whole body is aflame.
"Who is doing that! Show your self!" Sera screams at the top of her lungs.
I step out real slow, trying to get a great effect like in all the movies I have seen.
"I did. You're not being very nice," I tell her with a big grin appearing on my face, I slowly approach her as my skin turns blue, a real dark blue, "You are a very bad girl. You should not have burned down those buildings."
I bring water to surround me in a bubble. Her fire grows bigger by the minute.

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