Chapter 11~ How it All Ends

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I wake up in a bed that is not mine. I turn to look at my surroundings, and I get a great affliction from my arm. I look at it, but I presume that it is healed because it is not red.
"Uggghhhh." I cannot feel my legs, or anything but my arm for that matter. I am taken home, and after stopping by the jail, I see Sera still wet. I understand why. She is in jail for life, but she must be constantly drenched.
I am the town hero. I saved the mayor and his five kids, plus all the others that would have lost their lives in the fires.
"I bestow this Medal of Honor to Amaya Kendra for saving this town." The mayor puts the itchy sash around my neck.
I have saved the town, thanks to a little self belief.

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