Chapter Three

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As the bush that Aizawa was approaching shuffled and ruffled side to side, he definitely knew this was the person who had attacked the hospital.. I mean yes it was obvious someone was hiding, yet unlike the normal civilian gaze they wouldn't see what was wrong while Aizawa caught right on from the dying bush to the ashy leaves the blew in the wind only to decay and get wisped off by the wind, 

Aizawa brought a hand to his capture scarf as he wearily approached the bush, he sucked in a breath before in a quick action the capture scarf wrapped tightly around the bush, a loud cry of a scream left the 'bush' which caught Aizawas attention.. this was a kid? 

"Come out, I'm a pro hero. I.. won't hurt you?"

Aizawa said questioningly as the bush soon fell dead, the leaves dropped and decayed as the bush withered away into just a large pile of dust, leaving the dying branches to just lie there as a kid was revealed. Aizawas angry expression drifted off his face as his capture scarf fell limp. 

"Hey-! Hey.. I won't hurt you, kid.. Listen, I'm a pro hero.. who are you?"

This child sat there, tensed up and in fear as he watched the man before him who firstly was going to attack him! Now here he sat, trying to calm the child down. Izuku sat there in bewilderment at such an emotional change yet the ravenettes expression didn't budge from the neutral bored look. 

"I'm.. Izuku..C-can you help me..?"

The child forced out, his throat dry and scratchy while he sat there, curled up and watching the pro hero closely.. In Izukus mind he didn't seem like a pro hero, weren't they supposed to have bright, colourful suits and always happy smiles? Like the bunny hero that Garaki had taken a liking to. 

Aizawa felt his heart drop at the kid, his eyes trailed over the little boy, his clothes barely hung to his skinny frame and his cheeks were hollowed out.. Malnutrition was definitely playing its factor in this. Aizawa tried his best to give off a warm look to the child yet how could he? He was a pro hero, matter of fact an UNDERGROUND Pro hero, he wasn't use to seeing kids in hero work, matter of fact he wasn't the best with kids. 

"Uhm.. Yeah I can, kid. Come with me, we'll help you, alright?"

Aizawa said as he held a hand out, the child hesitantly left their space from behind the dead bush and took a careful step forward. Aizawa attention was quick to land on the multiple bruises on the child and the obvious small scars, yet what peaked his attention was these large black patches across the child, his arms and from what he could see on his neck had these small yet obvious splatters of black dots and shapes. 

"So, kid.. whats your quirk? It seems to be a mutation, right?"

The pro hero questioned the child, who kept his gaze to the ground and gave a small nod. Izukus quirk was a mutation of its original quirk, which was decay, his quirk unlike how it originally should've been had a few more features, like the misty eyes, horns, tail and decay effect of course, yet also his bones were strengthened, which unlike the original quirk wasn't a thing. 

"My quirk is a mutation of decay.. I call it Withering.."

And so the two began to speak, Aizawa gently peaking into who this child was with questions such as 'Who are you?' 'What is your quirk?', 'Where did you come from?' Most of the questions the child didn't respond to and instead ranted on, talking Aizawas ears off about some pro heroes, yet unlike every child of Japan, Izuku didn't once mention Endeavor or All Might, which was a little odd, until Aizawa asked.. 

"What about All Might and Endeavor? Do you know about them?"


"Who are they?.. I only know about a few of them, are there more?! I want to see them!"

Aizawa was shocked to say the least that the child didn't know about All Might nor Endeavor, they were the top two heroes! Aizawa instantly knew something was up with that simple question. 

The pro hero gently took the childs hand, noting down the small thing he done, which was he kept his pinky off of Aizawas hand, which made sense if he was correct that the original quirk he was suppose to have which was decay, he didn't want to decay Aizawa. The pro hero slowly entered the police station that they finally got to. 

Police ran around left and right, calls being made every two seconds. Aizawa weaved through the storms of police and dectectives, soon making it to the man himself. Naomasa Tsukauchi, the lie detecting detective. Tsukauchi locked eyes with Aizawa before looking down at the child with a perplexed and confused look, 

"I found him, he was the cause to the withering of Jaku General Hospital.. He might've just got his quirk and this was a result.. yet his quirk is a mutation.. could you, you know?"

Aizawa asked as he watched the child beside him mess with the rim of his shirt to keep himself somewhat entertained in such a place, it was too busy and quick for Izuku to catch up with what was happening around him. 

Izuku kept his gaze to the floor, blocking out Aizawas and the guy who he had heard was called Tsukauchi's conversation. He soon noticed they began to walk and followed quickly, sticking like glue to Aizawas side before they soon entered a room, two metal chairs and a metal table in the center of the room,

"Go sit in the chair, kid. Okay? I'll be here."

Aizawa said in a reassuring way, hoping that the child didn't decide this was the best time to try and escape from Aizawa. Izuku complied and walked over to the seat, he sat down with ease due to his height and looked across the table, which was now where the detective sat.. Had he done something wrong? Izuku had seen Tomura destroy stuff before.. so why was it bad for him to? 

Tsukauchi cleared his throat and pulled out a note book and pen, beginning to write down,

"What is your name?"

"Izuku." Correct

"What is your last name?"

"I.. haven't got one." Correct

"Where is your parents?"

"I-.. don't have parents," Correct

"Do you have any living relatives?"

"No...?" Correct

"Who do you live with?"

"A doctor.. Garaki. He's very m-mean though.. !, do I have to go back-?! I don't want to go back!" Correct

Izuku began to panic as he placed his hands on the table, slamming them down in a type of tantrum which caused his overly powerful quirk to activate, the table withered away before their eyes. Tsukauchi was quick to remove his note pad and pen from the table as Aizawa stood in astonishment as they watched the table wither to a meet pile of black ashy dust. 

Tsukauchi sighed as he stood up and looked at the child, it was obvious Izuku was on the brink of breaking down and crying. Tsukauchi looked at Aizawa who walked over and placed a gentle hand on the back of Izukus back, 

"Can we get some gloves to cover his hands?"

Aizawa called out as Tsukauchi nodded and soon left. Aizawa knelt down beside the sobbing child, he hadn't got a clue on what to do, this kid was now sobbing his eyes out, his cheeks had gone a scarlet red from the sobbing as Tsukauchi soon came back with a pare of gloves, all the fingers were cut off expect the middle and pinky finger. Aizawa took Izukus hands as the child fought back and tried to keep his hands to himself.

It was a bit of a fight, yet Aizawa had put the gloves on the childs hands before Izuku took that chance of not having his quirk be activated to pull Aizawa into a hug, the child sobbed as his bone tail his the metal chair in annoyance,

"D-don't.. send me back! I-I don't want to go back! Please!"

Izukus sobbed as AIzawa glanced at Tsukauchi who nodded before kneeling down beside the kid, gently placing his own hand on the sobbing childs back,

"Izuku, you'll stay here for the night okay? You're safe at the station okay?"

Izuku looked at Tsukauchi as he sobbed and held onto Aizawa as he shook his head rapidly, Tsukauchi may be in the police yet Izuku felt safer on the streets with Aizawa instead of in a station full of police. Izuku continued to shake his head as he held tightly onto Aizawa who rubbed the childs back soothingly. 

"I-I NO! I wan-t to stay with the p-pro hero!"

The child sobbed out as the pro hero held him close.. God damn it! Aizawa couldn't take the childs sobbing, he'd be fine with a child for a night right? I mean Aizawa only worked Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday I think he could deal with a kid for a day right? 

"Aizawa.. do you want to take him for tonight? We'll continue this tomorrow as I'll look for him in the data base."

Tsukauchi asked as Aizawa just stared at him for a moment. 


So now Aizawa sat in his kitchen by a window, sitting on the small dining table with a kid sitting across from him, munching happily on some instant ramen he had brought from the shop, even if it wasn't the best thing to eat and mostly tasteless, the child was savoring every small flavour, a happy smile was on the childs lips as he ate away,

"So.. have you ever eaten ramen?"

Aizawa questioned, that was a stupid question as it was quite obvious that the child never had,

"No, I usually eat.. sloppy mash food, I don't know what it is."

Izuku said openly as Aizawa choked a little.. what had this kid been through? Izuku soon finished eating and looked at Aizawa with a smile on his chubby cheeks, even if the kid seemed to be starved, he still had baby chubby cheeks and also was quite strong for a 10 year old.. well 6 year old, right? Tsukauchi had messaged Aizawa earlier the file on Izuku. 


NAME: Izuku Midoriya (Bakugo.) 

AGE: 6 years and 1 month. 


MOTHER: Inko Shimura (Deceased:  Died due to birth) 

FATHER: Hisashi Midoriya (Deceased: Villain attack)

GRANDMOTHER: Nana Shimura ( Deceased: Died in battle.) --------- Midoriya (Deceased: Old age)

GRANDFATHER ----------- ------------- (UNKNOWN) ----------- Midoriya (Deceased: Old age)


After Izukus birth, Mitsuki and Masaru Bakugo fought for Izuku in court, Hisashi Midoriya legally took his son and soon after the child was traded off due to his quirk. 


Aizawa looked at the toddler.. Maybe the Bakugo family could take care of the child? They seemed suitable for having another child. Aizawa let out a quiet sigh as he stood up and grabbed Izukus plastic pot that he had eaten out, only to throw it away before grabbing another cup and began to brew for coffee. 

"Whats.. your name, pro hero?"

Izuku asked as Aizawa let out a quiet hum and took a glance over his shoulder before giving the kid a small half sided smile. 

"My name is Shota Aizawa, my pro hero name is Eraserhead. "

Aizawa said to the child who nodded before looking down at his hands that were gloved up to keep his quirk at bay until they had proper gloves for him. 

Aizawa soon walked over as Izuku watched him before leaving the chair and following Aizawa, who had taken a seat on the couch, the coffee table was covered in papers and empty cups and plastic cups of instant noodles.. he'd clean it up tomorrow. 

Izuku sat beside Aizawa with a bit of a space between them before Aizawa turned the TV on, flicking through the channels, he soon stopped on one and turned to Izuku, going to ask him if he wanted to watch something, yet the child was already fast asleep. 

𝙒𝙄𝙏𝙃𝙀𝙍𝙄𝙉𝙂 𝘼𝙒𝘼𝙔→𝙄. 𝙈𝙄𝘿𝙊𝙍𝙄𝙔𝘼Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora