Chapter Four

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Izuku had slept the whole night without disturbance, Shota himself had also fallen asleep against the couch, I mean it was comfortable plus he was mid way through a series he was watching when he finally fell asleep. 

Sadly though the duo couldn't rest for long as a knock at the door awoke Aizawa. The pro hero groaned as he blinked his eyes open, adjusting to his surroundings with a sigh before crossing his arms over his chest, taking a glance at the still fast asleep child, who was soon enough spooked away, why? 

Who ever was knocking at the door was persistent to get inside the home and Aizawa had a hunch on who it could be. Izuku whined as the knocking continued, Aizawa frowned a little as he finally decided to face the loud knocker. 

"Who is it?"

He called out before forcing himself off the comfortable couch, Izuku watched as Aizawa stood up and walked over to the door, hearing a response from a familiar voice. 

"It's Tsukauchi, I'm here to continue Midoriyas case."

Tsukauchi called out as Aizawa soon opened the door, greeting the detective as the detective stood there in a type of shock. Aizawa had hair poking off in every direction, his eyes barely could stay open and.. was that drool? Tsukauchi shrugged it off as he entered the house, giving a small wave to the now awake child who sat there in a type of shocked state, 

It had been ages since he had heard that name, 'Midoriya,' It was almost foreign for him to hear it, the last time anyone had ever called him 'Midoriya' was when Izuku and Tomura were intoduced to each other, they did get along quickly due to similar quirks.. Izuku felt a frown tug at his lips as Aizawa and Tsukauchi began to speak about what would happen with Izuku while he himself had a bit of a flashback.. hopefully they could save Tomura. 


Izuku stood at the front of the door, his tiny frame was exhausted and weak. Izuku stood by the door as Garaki was now having a talk with the 'master', Izuku wasn't bothered to listen in to what they said as he soon heard the pitter of feet, his little 3 year old self was quick to react as he stood up straight, 

His light green, misty eyes travelled around the room, the only person he saw in the distance was Kurogiri, another Nomu which Garaki had created, yet unlike the others, he was sentient and also a great babysitter for when Garaki and the master were busy. 

"Kurogiri.. was that you?"

Izuku muttered, yet Kurogiri looked up from his station and shook his head. The greenette frowned a little as he moved from his area and walked over towards the living room, hearing someone run into there, 

"Hello there..?"

Izuku called out as a taller, seemingly older boy stood across from Izuku, he seemed shaken up yet had swallowed his fears to investigate this stranger in his home, yet obviously failed if he was trying to hide at the moment in the living room while act like he wasn't spying Izuku down

"H-hey there.."

The elderest, ravenettes voice was scratchy, stuttery and sounded dry, Izuku looked at the boy across from him; He had ravenette hair that had began to fade to a light blue at the ends, his skin was pale, dry and flaky, he seemed to only be at least a few years older than Izuku and the thing that caught Izukus attention was the same small freckle they had, on the right side of their face, a little below  from the lip.  The ravenette turning blue wore the same outfit that Izuku had which was a simple long sleeved black shirt and long black joggers, 

"Hey, I'm Izuku! look! we have the same mark!"

The somehow happy yet tired kid said with a smile forming on his lips, pointing out the most obvious thing his small eyes could land on. Izuku placed a finger on the freckle he had before looking at  the eldest of the two boys who responded by giving a small nod, clearing his throat and gently began scratching at his neck, 

"I'm.. T-.. Tomura, Tomura Shigaraki."

Tomura introduced himself as he looked at Izuku who smiled, not minding how the ravenette was almost aggressively attacking his neck, yet sadly it was soon cut off as Garaki left the room, followed by a tall, muscular masked man who walked down the hall and peered into the living room,a  quiet chuckle leaving his lips.

"It seems Tomura and Izuku have met, wonderful! I hope to see you soon, Izuku. Tomura, come with me."

The muscular man said, he gave off a wary yet comfortable feeling, yet Izuku couldn't help but feel the smell of death reek off the man as he took a step forward and held a hand out, Tomura took his hand and followed the man back into the room while Garaki harshly grabbed Izukus wrist and pulled him along like some dog and through one of Kurogiris portal, 

That was when he first met Tomura, and ever since that they grew closer, soon becoming sparring brothers, then playmates, then almost had a brotherly relationship. Izuku had soon found out that Tomura was only 5 years older than him, which to Tomura was a bit of a shock as Izuku seemingly seemed at least 6 when they first met, yet he was just an intelligent 3 year old.


Izuku soon was snapped out of his thinking with the sound of a chair scraping against the wood, it seemed Tsukauchi was already leaving? Izuku stood up as he looked at Tsukauchi who bidded his fairwells and left while Aizawa looked down at the child. 

"When will he be coming back? Who.. am I staying with?"

Izuku asked as his tiny hands grabbed the rim of his shirt, Shota gently placed a hand on Izukus head before kneeling down beside the child who took a glance at him with a confused look forming on his face. 

"You're staying with me for now, kiddo."

Aizawa said with the faintest smile tugging at his lips, Izuku looked at Aizawa in a type of shock before a large smile stretched across the greenettes face, at least he was staying somehwere safe and with a pro hero!

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