Round 2

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When Natalie returned to the kitchen, she could see Hana waiting for her next to a wooden chair. Resting on the table were a bunch of thin white ropes and a pink ball gag. "Have a seat, round 2 starts now," Hana said.

Once Natalie sat down on the chair, Hana lined up Natalie's legs parallel to the chair legs and wrapped rope around her ankles, tying them to the chair legs. Hana took another coil of rope and wrapped it around Natalie's thighs, tying the knot underneath the seat of the chair.

Hana then crossed Natalie's wrists behind the back of the chair as she tied them together. Once her wrists were tied to the back of the chair, Hana began to bind Natalie's upper chest right above her breasts and tied it behind the chair.

"Time to make you quiet again," Hana said as she shoved the ball gag into Natalie's mouth. "Nnnhpm!" Natalie moaned as she flexed herself in the bindings to see there was no slack in them and the knots were tied out of her reach.

"You have two hours to get out of this one," Hana said as she pulled out the video camera and pressed the record button. "Mrhrphm!" Natalie grunted as she began to twist and tug at the ropes binding her. Right away she could tell they were tied too tight.

After 10 minutes of struggling and moaning into her gag, Natalie finally stopped and took some deep breaths. She rested her head on the back of the chair and began to think of other solutions to escape.

Natalie scanned the room and soon saw a doorway corner that had a sharp piece of wood sticking out. If the edge was sharp enough, she could cut her arms free of the rope and untie the rest of her restraints. The only problem was getting over there.

Natalie took a deep breath and kicked the floor with her feet, causing the chair to move a few inches toward the corner. Taking another breath, she did it again and kept doing it until her left arm was against the wall corner.

"One hour and twenty minutes left," Hana said with a smile. "Mrhmp?" Natalie said, not believing it took her nearly forty minutes to get over there. Her arms were drenched with sweat and her shirt was soaked from the saliva that was drooling from her ball gag.

"Mmmrrmph!" Natalie mmphed in frustration as she began to rub the rope against the wood by raising the chair up and down with her feet as best as she could. Even though she could tell a little of strands of rope coming off, it would still take quite a while to do.

"Mrmrrh!" Natalie grunted out in anger as she was unaware of how much rope was rubbed away. Hana had said there were 20 minutes left and Natalie had started to give up hope. She suddenly felt less pressure on her left arm and could see the ropes binding her chest had been cut away.

Overcome with joy, Natalie began to undo the rest of the ropes binding her and removed her gag. When she was done, Hana stopped the timer with 8 minutes left. "Not bad," Hana said. "You did better, now take a half-hour break before we start the final challenge," Hana said as she left the room.

Having some free time, Natalie went to the bathroom to freshen up and remove the damp clothing, leaving her in the dark blue bra and panties she was wearing before. She then got dressed and went to have a little rest on the couch.

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