Round 3

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For the final round, Hana led Natalie up to her bedroom where Natalie could see a chair placed beneath a pair of handcuffs. The handcuffs had a chain connecting them to a ring that was embedded into the ceiling.

"I don't know about this one," Natalie said upon seeing the dangling handcuffs. "Have a little more faith," Hana said sarcastically. "Now place your lips together please," Hana said. She then placed a few strips of duct tape horizontally over Natalie's mouth.

"Please stand on the chair," Hana asked, which Natalie did. Hana stood on her bed and pulled Natalie's wrists in front of her and handcuffed both her wrists together. Hana then got up off the bed and stood in front of her friend.

"Now you have three hours to do this challenge," Hana said. "To win, you must first peel all that tape off your mouth with your tongue," Hana said.

Hana went behind Natalie and pulled the chair out from under her, causing Natalie to yelp out behind her gag as she quickly fell, her toes just a few centimeters above the floor.

"Mrrpm!" Natalie grunted out in anger as she dangled from the chain. "You must then get the key with your toes," Hana said as she revealed a handcuff key and dropped it onto the floor in front of Natalie.

"After getting the key," Hana continued. "You must pick up the key with your feet and hand it to your wrists to free yourself. You have three hours to win but I will blindfold you halfway into the game, so think carefully about how to start." Hana finished and started the stopwatch.

Natalie remained hanging from the handcuffs, unsure of what to do. Should she remove her gag or try to free her hands? Racking her brain for a bit, she knew going after the key would be her best bet so that's what she did.

She began to reach for the key but found it out of reach of her toes. "Urrmp!" Natalie grunted at Hana. "What?" Hana asked. "I can't help you" This time, Natalie picked up the key and held it in the soles of her feet. "One hour and fifteen minutes before the blindfold," Hana chimed in.

Running short of time, Natalie focused her attention on her tape gag, which was the next stage of freeing herself. Ignoring the pain of pulling her lips apart, she was able to part them and began to lick the tape with her tongue, which left a foul taste in her mouth.

Once the center of the tape was parted from her mouth, she began to work at the sides of the rest of the tape. Natalie was so busy getting free of the tape gag that she failed to notice Hana pulling up a chair behind her and placing a soft black cloth over her eyes.

"Whamht?" Natalie cried out in shock seeing her world go black. "Time's up, you have an hour and a half left to get free now," Hana said. Natalie accidentally dropped the key but was able to pick it up again. She then returned to working on the tape and with a little effort, she peeled it off her mouth.

"Hana, I swear to god I'm going to win this!" Natalie threatened as she licked her dry lips. "You've got an hour left," Hana said. "I suggest you hurry."

"What?" Natalie asked, not believing how long it took her to remove the tape. "If you plan to mouth off, I'm more than happy to silence you with this big red ball gag," Hana said with a sly look on her face. "oof," Natalie responded as she began to raise the key to her hands, however, the key fell off her toes and back onto the floor.

"Shit!" Natalie cursed and as she did, Hana slapped a strip of tape tightly over Natalie's mouth.

"Mmmph!" Natalie cried out as she was gagged again. She continued to struggle, but the steel handcuffs that restrained her wrists wouldn't give.

"Fourteen minutes left!" Hana chimed in. "mmmm!" Natalie stated as she picked up the key, again using her toes. Natalie raised her head up and realized she couldn't see the keyhole because of the blindfold.

As she began to try her luck, she heard a low beeping sound go off. "No," Natalie said as Hana removed her gag. "But yes," Hana said as she grabbed the key and unlocked Natalie's wrists, lowering her to the floor.

As Natalie let the reality of losing, she pulled at the blindfold and allowed it to slip down her face and rest around her neck as she began to feel angered. "Here you go," Hana said, handing Natalie a piece of paper.

"What's this?" Natalie asked in a disgusted tone as she grabbed the paper. "Instructions for your side of the bet," Hana replied. "See you next Friday, my little maid," Hana said with glee.

The end.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2023 ⏰

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