Chapter III

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A thud sound rang around the silent room when roanne's forehead met the wooden desk in front. She grabs her hair with both of her hands and messes it up, cringing too much upon remembering the embarrassing scenario she created today at the staircase.

"Sir, are you single?" The female ghost from before burst laughing annoyingly loud, she and her new companions are recreating the scene from before.

Roanne raises her head with a pout, staring at the ceiling, remembering what happened earlier again.


Roanne's POV

"Sir, are you single?" I bluntly told without realizing that I stared at his eyes with no admiration but fear. The guy I pushed immediately stood up laughing.

"You like my friend !? He's single now, you can cnxksk..........." The guy minhyuk keeps on talking loudly in front, but my eyes never leave his, not his eyes but the thing behind him. A dark shadow clutching behind his back, the ghost should be a female due to the shape of the body, the shadow turn its head towards my direction. Two eyelids suddenly opened, and I gulped when two black eyes stared deep into my soul.

"He's mine! Leave him alone!!" The ghost yelped, making my ears bleed. Minhyuk, who is standing beside me, noticed my bleeding ear instantly, making him panic.

"Jesus christ girl! Your nose and ears are bleeding!!" He yelled in panic. The man standing in front steps forward, the look in his eyes do tell that he's worried. The more steps he does to approach me, the more the spirit's dark energy grows.

' I'm not in the mood to handle a mad spirit today, better run'

To escape, I pushed minhyuk, making him fell down to the ground once again. I ran as fast as I could to reach my supposed classroom, which I managed

to find out upon reaching the third floor.


"I'm stupiddddd." Roanne punches the air in annoyance, and the ghosts around her stare at her in worry.

"Young kid, is your mental health good?" the oldest ghost asked, Roanne glares at her making the ghosts step back. 'You guys wanna double die?' Roanne mouthed those words, the ghost infront of her gave her a piece sign and a silly smile before disappearing. Now that she's alone, she decided to take a nap until other students come in.

Roanne raise her head when she felt someone is staring at her in distance, her sights is quite blurry but she can tell that someone's head is peeking at the top of the door frame, the head suddenly retreated when it saw her look at that direction, but slowly comes back to peek.

Roanne's heart starts beating crazy. She hates when she someone peeking. Roanne dares not to blink. Her gaze never leaves its eyes. She's afraid that once she looks away, that ghost might come closer to her. Roanne felt her right nose hole become wet, and a few blood dropped to her cloth skirt.

'Please leave,' she thought..

"Oh my god! Miss, are you alright!?" A femine voice was heard, the head at the doorframe disappeared, roanne immediately turned around and saw a girl approaching her with tissues in her hand.

"You're having a nosebleed, are you alright?" The girl asked, making roanne nod her head and accepted the tissues to clean her nose. She thanked her after.

"I'm Park Songjae. Nice to meet you and you?"

"I'm Choi Roanne, and thank you for saving me." Songjae looked at her confused but shrugged her shoulders and sat at the empty chair beside roanne's table. The silence between them was quite comfortable, Roanne lowered her head and continued taking a nap.


"Whattttt!? Are you serious ?? GHAHAHAHAHa that's fucking hilarious!" A guy with bright red dyed hair color burst laughing when he heard the story happened to minhyuk and changkyun 30 minutes ago.

"You're laughing too loud jooheon" Takahashi Mei scowls at the red head jooheon. Minhyuk, who is sitting beside her, turned around and place both of his hands against Mei's smooth cheeks.

"My mei is so cold today!!!" Mei slapped his left arm. "Fuck you" She said as she gracefully rolling her eyes in annoyance. Their circle of friends who are currently there, grimace as they're witnessing the two's lovely-hate moment.

"Is she Atleast pretty?" Jooheon asked, changkyun who was about to open his mouth to answer got interrupted when kihyum himself speak up making his friend jaw drops.

"I think I'm inlove"


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