It's Okay

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It’s Okay!

It’s okay to feel low sometimes, it’s okay to go at your pace!

It’s okay to not match the world, it’s okay if you are still trying!

It’s okay if you feel you are not contributing enough, you will do wonders in no time!

The key is keeping your calm and never giving up! Setting your mind, planning right things and having your plans discussed with your elders, revising the plans and working hard to achieve them, this is what’s more important!

Being practical or having a practical mindset is good but, don’t forget you are a human! You have emotions, you have feelings too! You have family and friends too, take a break if needed to gather your thoughts! Don’t be so hard on yourself, things will get better. This is just a phase and this too shall pass!

If you think you are not doing enough, calculate the efforts you made, there is a possibility that things didn’t work well but it does not mean that it won’t work in the future too!

According to society standards, a man should be stable by 27 and a woman should be married. Who made these rules?

Reality check!

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