important notice

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Hello, I really hope you can understand this. But I will not write NSFW as much because I feel uncomfortable with it.
I will mostly write angst because I know how to write it the best. I will still write fluff though, but I just feel extremely uncomfortable when writing things like that, I will finish the idol on Saturday and the I won't write NSFW for a while and will just be working on fluff and angst. Most of the stories will be PhayuRain because I know their personalitys better and their my fav couple.

Also I might not update as much as I used but I will still update at least once a week, because I haven't been feeling as happy lately and have been feeling extremely depressed. I have taken a happiness test and scored a 33/200 (yes 200 not 100) I'm trying to get better but my thoughts are getting to the best of me to the point where it's affecting me both physically and mentally and I'm really trying to just not end my life. I hope ypu can understand, thank you.♡

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