Rush 🥰❤ (Phayurain)

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Hello luvs! I'm sorry I haven't updated in a long time, but I am back! I got logged out of my account and couldn't get back in ☹️. But since I'm back you better be prepared for more updates!! I will say that I have improved my writing skills!!

I don't know if you knew this but if you guys remember "My idol" with both prapaisky AND phayurain? Well I am currently thinking about making a whole story about it! I will make a notice if I do so make sure you read it if i do!👀

I am also thinking about making "bl one shots" instead of just love in the air! So I will also make a notice if I confirm that!
If I do it will include mangas, series, and books! If I do confirm it make sure to give me some suggestions so I can make one shots of them!

And of course, feel free to comment more story suggestions and tips. Please vote or leave a comment since I LOVE hearing from you guys, you don't haft though! Anything helps!❤ I would also like to say that if you ever want any of these stories to have a whole separate thing of just the story(hopefully you guys no what I mean by that) make sure to comment I might consider it!!(Remember if you do have a story suggestion put which couple!! ❤)

(Also now before every story I will tell a bit about the story but I will try to not do spoilers!)

Now that I've cleared up every thing let's get onto the story introduction!:

Rain has never been the type of guy to be "popular" and "cool" he has always been well... Different I guess... He has never been good at expressing himself ever since his mom died, it's like he just lost himself and could never find himself again..? And because of that, he had always been known as the "quiet kid" well...if someone knew him. Rain had just simply lost hope in life. It's hard to think that Rain used to be a joyful person, but since his mom died, he lost his last bit of hope, he felt like he lost everything, and so did his dad, how do I know this someone may ask? Well because his dad started to turn into a alcoholic and just stopped caring about himself, his job, his life, and even Rain... It is quite obvious that Rain needs help on finding that bit of light and joy in his life, he just needs someone to help him, to care for him, and to love him.

Phayu has always been popular whether he liked it or not and it wasn't because of his personality either, it was because of his wealth and good looks. Phayu never wanted to be popular, he just wanted to be know understood... It was until he layed eyes on Rain, Phayu felt like he could understand him he could tell that Rain was more than just some "quiet kid" and Phayu knew that Rain just need a bit of light and joy and Phayu was going to be that bit.

Will two misunderstood boys find their own ways to each other? Will Phayu succeed in being that source of hope for Rain? Will Rain find that special somone and find that bit of joy? Will two misunderstood boys make their heart rush?

He woke up and checked the time "6 am...?" The boy sighed as he got up to get ready for school.

I walked over to the bathroom as I sighed "Damn. I haft to go through this shit again" he groaned as he got his toothbrush.

After he brushed my teeth and did my skincare routine.

'How am I so depressed but I still care about how I look?' He thought to himself.

He took some random clothes from his closet and surprisingly it looked decent!

He took some random clothes from his closet and surprisingly it looked decent!

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(Pretend it's Rain😭)

After he got ready he walled out his room to see his dad drunk again "hey kid, where are ya going!?" His dad groaned as he dragged his half drunk body over to him.

His dad scoffed at his son "hey! Don't ya know I do all the work around here!? And you still go out acting like you own this place!? I raised you damnit!!!" His dad yelled at him. Literally every single thing his dad just said was a lie, not only to Rain but to himself to.

"I'm sorry father... I'm not going out im going to school... " Rain said quietly knowing what's about to happen.

Suddenly his dad slapped him across the face, making Rain fall down. "Just get the fuck out of my house!" His dad said as he slumped to the ground.

Rain quickly got up and nodded as he ran to his bus stop.

(At school)

Rain was listening to music quietly until one of the most popular boys in his school walked to a table near him, suddenly girls swarmed over like a bunch of lapdogs. Rain didn't really mind though at least he had his music... But he couldn't help but notice the guy starting at him even though multiple girls were swarming him.

Suddenly someone came up to Rain. "Hey, I'm Sky. You're Rain right?" Rain was surprised by the sudden approach, not knowing how to respond he just nodded at the boy in front of him. "Cool. I noticed you being the one of the only one's not swarm around Phayu, so I thought that you and me could be friends, also if you're wondering why it's because of that, it's because literally every. Single. Person. Who like Phayu are literally delusional and need to be put in a mental health hospital." Sky said calmly.

Rain chuckled at the comment about Phayu "Who is Phayu anyways?" He asked.

Sky suddenly smiled "Oh my god!! You really aren't delusional!!" Rain sighed in relief "Well, Phayu is the most popular vote in school and is well known for his looks and charm, everyone loves him and adores him, he even has his own fan base on Facebook! But even though that sounds good he is actually a big player, he dates someone for like 1-3 months and then just dumps them like their a nobody. Therefore I absolutely hate him." Sky explained.

Rain hummed "if he is really that bad, I hate him to." Rain said as he looked at Sky in agreement.

Sky got excited about this "I finally found someone decent in this school!" Sky said in releif.

Before Rain could say anything the bell rang.

"Oh sorry I gotta go to class... " he said as sky nodded "Cya later, or not" sky said.

(In class)

Everyone walked in at the same time. But this time it was different someone sat beside Rain this time! Rain turned to see who it was and noticed it was Phayu.

He groaned in disappointment since he was informed on how much of a bad' person' Phayu is.

Phayu looked over as he heard the groan and smirked "hey, no need to groan like that. Many people would wish to have a opportunity like this. " phayu said offended.

Rain scoffed as he rolled his eyes, not realizing he just accidentally mad someone fall in love him.

Normally when someone would scoff or roll his eyes at Phayu, he would start hating him. But this, this is different. Phayu isn't used to this feeling... He never felt it, but everytime he looked at Rain he enjoyed every moment of it, he was the only person who he knew wouldn't want him for his looks or charm. Phayu knew he would like him because he was him. And thats what Phayu has been searching for, for years he had been looking for someone who he could finally truly love. And he finally found them. He finally found him.

Hello luvs! Sorry it's so short! I just wanted you guys to be able to see the new story I'm about to make! Remember to comment your opinions and vote! It's fine if not! I just love, love, love! Hearing from you guys! ❤

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