Chapter One

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It was a beautiful sunny day, the sky was clear and the city was busy. I love going outside and being in the sun, so, of course, a picnic was called for.

"Guys, it's so hot," complained Bria as we sat in an unshaded area of the park. Jazzy looked at me and I couldn't help but laugh.

We told Bria how hot it was going to be but she insisted on wearing her black sweatshirt and jeans. "Stop complaining, we told you how hot it was going to be," Jazzy said rolling her eyes.       

"It's been raining all week so I assumed you guys were wrong." Bria huffs crossing her arms.
  "There is something called a 'weather app' and it tells you everything you need to know," I say picking up the champagne flute filled with sprite and cotton candy. "Okay guys I get it," Bria says finally done with complaining.

Don't get me wrong Bria is one of my really good friends but her complaining over things we have no control over or that we told her about gets me so annoyed. It's one of the many reasons why we've started to drift apart. She wants to be the center of the show, on your birthday she'll find some way to make it about her. It could be your family member's funeral and she'll complain about the "vibes" of the place.

  Jazzy on the other hand has been my best friend since diapers. Our moms and families have been best friends since before we were born, she is honestly closer than just a friend. She's my sister. We sealed the deal with a blood pact. Before y'all look at me crazy, it wasn't real blood. We just mixed Kool-Aid and said it was blood.

"What're we doing after this?" Bria questioned after a moment of silence. "I'm not sure," I said looking in the viewfinder of my camera to take a picture of two squirrels who look like they're hugging. "We should go to the mall then," she continues wiggling her eyebrows.

I love shopping and going to the mall so I was immediately on board. "I'm down," I say and we look at Jazzy. "Yea sure," she says sighing. I smile and blow her a kiss. Jazzy hates going shopping but tolerates going with me. So shopping with Bria I already know she would rather be anywhere else.

We sat in a comfortable silence doing our own thing for a few more hours. Me switching between reading and taking more pictures. Jazzy working on her clothing website. Bria texting whoever on her phone. After 3 more hours we decide to leave. Jazzy drove so we pile into her car, me in the front and Bria in the back. I get on Aux and we listen to music the whole way there. Occasionally stopping to talk about something going on in our day to day lives.

" Guys, Collin is throwing a party tonight! We should," Jazzy says looking at her phone. "Who's Collin?" Bria asks pausing her looking through the clothes rack. "Remember that boy Jazzy likes, it's his best friend," I say picking up a  black form fitting romper. "Oh, I remember him. He was super cute, I'm down to go," Bria says excitedly.

  They look at me and I roll my eyes. I like partying but I don't like Collin. He gives me a super weird feeling every time I get around him or hear his name. "I'll sit this one out," I say looking at more clothes. I'm definitely getting the romper. "Please come I don't like going to parties without you." Jazzy says sighing and giving me puppy eyes. "Yea you're the life of the party you have to go," Bria adds clasping her hands together.

"Fine. Fine, I'll go." I say sighing. "Yes! Thank you," Jazzy says at the same time Bria says, "Oh, thank god!". Jazzy and Bria don't like hanging out together by themselves without me. "We aren't gonna stay for long right?" I ask raising an eyebrow. "No, definitely not. Collins parties always end up getting busted or a fight breaks out." Jazzy says and Bria nods in agreement.

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