Snowboard Cross

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The next event was the snowboard Cross at Cypress Mountain we join the four competitors getting ready for his event.

Announcer: welcome back, Olympic fans for the snowboard Cross event at Cypress Mountain, today we have for competitors competing for the metals in lane one we have Mario

Mario: let's-a-go!

Announcer: in line to we have Drago

Drago: Time for a win

Announcer: Lane three we have Blaze

Blaze: I will not be stopped

Announcer: and then finally rain for we have Sonic

Sonic: it's all about speed

Announcer: all right competitors to your  marks

All the competitors got into position

Drago: you're going down everyone

Mario: we will see about that

Announcer: Go!

The gates Croft and the competitors spit out navigate Drago took a first place lead and did some tricks such as: backflip, double backflip, Front flip, backside 360. Then as they're nearing the end of the course Drago activated his ability which caused him to speed forward and flew into the finish line 1st. The event went on with everyone else competing for the medals at the end of the night the announcer came forward to announce the winners.

Announcer: one of them is your event that was and now to present the metals the gold medal goes to Drago with a time of 0:57.393 the Silver metal goes to Mario with the time of 1:05.367 and the bronze medal goes to blaze with a time of 1:05.404 on the podium these are the quotes

Blaze: a satisfactory result!

Mario: Mario will get you next time.

Drago: all right I won!

Announcer: next event will be our first stream event dream a snowboard Cross at radical Highway.

End of episode

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