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JISOO WAS A GIRL ON THE VERGE OF DESTRUCTION. Minni was a pair of floundering hands trying desperately to put all of her broken pieces together. She was failing, shattering on her own behind a wavering brave face.

"Jisoo, please. Tell me. I need to know."

The heiress was silent aside from quiet little hiccups. If her father had not been down the hall and had the maids not been listening, she may have been screaming instead. But it was one in the morning and she had snuck Minni into her apartment the moment she heard her friend crying on the line.

They were in the dark, seated on Jisoo's bed. Min could only see the faint outline of her cheek, but she could hear her sniffling across from her.

"What did you just ask me?"

Min closed her eyes for a second, squeezed them shut tight. The onslaught of memory, a tide unrelenting, swept her off her feet before she realized the flashback was coming.

It was like she was at the GI party, encased in Juyeon's grip. His lips were forming her name in a gentle murmur as if he had decided he liked the sound of it. The punch was warm in her throat. The walls were tilting. Her tongue was a loaded gun and Juyeon was standing in the way, armored to the teeth, but vulnerable nevertheless.

Words that she never should have said rang in her ears and ricocheted off the walls. She had never known the shrapnel would be what got her.

"You dance like you're on fire."

See, Min had been thinking about all of this wrong from the start. Asking questions had been futile, stupid even. Anybody at NHU would their guard secrets with their life. The answers were in her face the whole time, she just didn't know what half of them meant.

Until now.

Her conversation with Seonghwa made her realize a few things. It made her relive that night all over again. Words that she never should have heard hit her so fast it hurt.

Seulgi's voice was so cold that night, as it always was. "V ran into his ex talking to another guy and decided to start problems."

That same night, Jisoo met Lucas and disappeared for hours. That same night, V went on a rampage. That same night, Yeosang was outside with Seungmin. That same night, Somin fell from the roof hours later.

Even Jisoo's behavior had seemed odd recently. When Lucas was arrested, she didn't seem all that surprised. She looked pissed. As if the other shoe had finally dropped.

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