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Shoutout to my co-author 

without her this chapter wouldn't be nearly as awesome as it is now


Her father and the court gaped at her. She looked up at him, and then looked back at her suitor. The zephyr gave a shy smile and stood. She took his hand and strutted out of the room, her head held high with a smug look on her face. They walked and walked till they reached a corridor, where the zephyr stopped, turned his head and looked at her father, who had followed the pair out of the courtroom.

"Him? Why him?," he seethed

"But father, I thought I had a free choice, these suitors are just options, are they not?" Selene countered.

His voice changed, their harsh tones and raspy twang turning into a soft and almost sweet sound, with the usual undertones of dangerous rage of course.

"Selene, dear, I beg you to reconsider, how about Jack, the fine, strapping young man from the Serenum province, think of all the riches you could gain!" he pleaded, nodding vigorously.

"My dearest, shall we make our way upstairs? There is much to discuss about our wedding," said the zephyr.

"Of course. Perhaps we can speak of the ball tonight while we get ready."

She turned on her heel and made her way upstairs, the zephyr right behind her.


The zephyr and Selene sat awkwardly, one sprawled on the bed and the other on the couch, acting prim and proper.

"Thank you," said Selene. "For saving me from that conversation."

"Anytime," he replied. "However, I do have one question."

"Go on."

"Why me, out of all the people in the room? I mean- you could have picked anyone, and gained riches untold. So why me?"

"Oh. Funny story, my father told me who to pick, so that guy was already out of the question. And you seemed uncomfortable, like you needed help. So, I decided to pick you from there."


"No you idiot, what do you think? You're dressed like a zephyr."

"I am a zephyr. Cael, by the way. Good to meet you," he replied.

"And you want to marry an ilumae?" she countered.

"No, I wouldn't like to marry a moon person."

"Oh and you believe that I would want my partner at my debutante to be an air person?"

"If he were to help you escape this life, I believe you would gladly marry an air person."

Selene's eyes widened, and she let out a small gasp. A way to escape from this controlling life? This was an opportunity she would seize.

"What do you have in mind?"

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