CHAPTER 5: Avric

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~ Avric ~

The first thing that I saw when I opened my eyes was that girl. That ever so pretty girl, with her pale eyes and her long hair, almond skin that seemed to glow, and the crescent shaped mark on her forehead. She was tying a dark string to a narrow twig. I watched her for a while, and then she looked up.

"So now I'm that pretty, huh?" she chuckled. Her laugh sounded like honey.

"Nope, I'm still the pretty one."

She laughed again. I grinned.

Standing up, I walked over to her. "What're you doing?"

"You said I'd figure out how to make this more manageable. I'm doing just that."

I could see her trying to figure out how to tear the fabric so that she could begin sewing.

"Come on now, we're to start moving now if we want to reach a safer place soon."

Sighing, she began to stand. I offered her my hand, and she took it, smiling. Then she lifted up her skirt and began to tie it.

"You might not want to do that, princess," knowing that she wouldn't be able to continue if she wore bloomers and a skirt tied around her waist. After all, they were edging closer and closer to the middle province, with one of the largest market places in all of Eldorian, and all sorts of people would be found there. There was no way in hell she would be able to go there dressed so...immodestly.

"So what do I do then?"

I walked up to her, and helped her undo the skirt, which she had somehow already managed to gather. I let the bunch of fabric fall round her waist, till it covered the bloomers. She began to walk and tripped over her skirt. Looking up, she said with an annoyed tone, "so this is what you expect me to walk in?"

"Surely a child could be more careful than you, moongirl."

"Well I doubt a child could walk in this much fabric, sunboy."

She rolled her eyes and walked over to the loose thread and the stick, which were set by a range of objects, from basic necessities such as water and food to a pair of diamond earrings that Selene said she stored in her corset. She packed them up into a large, black bag.


We neared closer and closer to the middle province, and finally reached a sign that said "Marketplace " and an arrow pointing in the direction of the pathway.

"Is this the same marketplace where traders come, and merchants?" she questioned.

"Yep, the rich ones who cheat commoners out of their money."

"Cheat commoners? What do you mean?"

"I mean, why do you suppose that your father is so rich, and you have new clothes each day, not to mention your palace with balls and a feast served to you on a silver platter every day? Where do you suppose all this money comes from?"

"Honest businesses," she replied. I sighed, this girl was too pure for the world.

"No, of course not. Your father and many other noblemen sell overpriced goods, or charge heavy tax to commoners." I replied.

"My father may be vile, but he would never do such a thing," she demanded.

"Fine. Have it your way. The world is perfect and kind with unicorns, rainbows and glitter and daisies."

"How dare you?" she hissed.

"Oh I don't suppose daddy will be able to get you out of this one, huh? Maybe all the money he cheats out of us commoners goes to your petty needs."

Selene yelled out in rage, and stomped away into the marketplace. Maybe the part about the unicorns and the rainbows was a bit of a stretch, but- hold on. That girl just stomped into the marketplace. The second most dangerous place in all of Eldorian. Unaccompanied. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. I have to go and get her. Now.

I ran headfirst into the marketplace.

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