Chapter 7: Marketplace (Avric POV)

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~ Avric~

"Selene, Selene, where are you!"

I shouted myself hoarse, where could this girl have gone? My words may have been a bit of a stretch, but certainly not enough to send her running off into the great unknown of the marketplace of Eldorian. Now here I was, Avric Macca, stuck roaming the marketplace, shouting out the name of a girl I had just met and yet still cared far too much about.

A flash of blinding white from a secluded alleyway not too far from me shocked me out of my thoughts. A scream cut through the silence like a hot knife cutting through butter. My heart quickened as a name raced through my head. Selene.

I sprinted through the stalls until I reached the alleyway, greeted by the most peculiar sight I had ever witnessed. It looked like selene was levitating in the air, surrounded on all sides by strange men wearing black. I was about to rush in to help her but it seemed like she had the situation completely under control.

As I watched, she shot blasts of black energy at the men, provoking their screams of terror. Selene didn't stop until every last one of the scampered away, tripping over scrap metal and rubbish as they scurried past me through the alleyway. Selene stayed suspended in the air, her glowing silver hair billowing around her head though there was no wind. A crescent moon birthmark on her forehead, something I had never noticed before, was shining, as if it was a miniature moon.

Selene groaned, slipping me out of my thoughts as I noticed that her eyes had dark circles under them and that she was violently shaking. Abruptly, her whole body seemed to collapse in midair. Selene was floating higher than the mangy buildings but she started to fall at an alarming pace. I slipped out of the shadows and caught her just as she was about to hit the ground. Her long curtains of silvery hair framed her face, seeming to glow faintly in the dimming light of her crescent moon birthmark. Her once-glowing eyes now fluttered shut as her rose pink lips formed a silent word.


A/N i'm sorry it's so short. this was a catch up chapter for the last one, kinda an explanation for how Avric got there and caught her.

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