~5~ good boy

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"How was the meeting with Mister Nadela?", I get greeded by Josephine, who's waiting in the underground parking lot, while I get out of the car.

"Very good, we have the deal, we just have to clear some details about the campange."
"Sounds great", she says while we're walking to the elevator, going up to our offices.

" Do you know why Jacob said, he's not coming to work today?", she asked.

"Really? He hasn't talked to me about it."
I kinda have a idea, why he's not coming, but she doesn't need to know it.

"That's weird."

"He forgot his wallet in my office yesterday, but he didn't call me about it. And it's not my job to run aftersomeone, if they loose something."

The elevator stops and she lets me step out first.

"On your desk is the paperwork, that you need to take a look at."

I sighn, sometimes my job can be just annoying as fuck.

" Thanks.", I smile at her tiredly and close my officedoor behind me.
I sit down at my desk and start organizing, so it's easier to go through.

"Am I so easy to forget?"

I hear someone giggeling and look up.
Jacob stands up from my couch and comes up to my desk.

Shit, he's really hot, how do I mannage this now?

"Okay, what do you want? I thought you woudn't come today.", I'm still angry at him, for lying to my face yesterday.

"I just said, I'm not coming to work, but I still can go wherever I want to."
His tone is playful, as nothing ever happened between us.

"Technically you can't be here, this is my office, and my company. You don't have the permission to go wherever you want to."

"Permission?", he raises an eyebrow, "I work here. Just like you."

Of course he does, but I can't stand it, when someone is talking to me like this and now it's enough.
I'd love to fuck this attitude out of him.

But we're not finish yet, I know he would like it, and I cannot just give him, whatever he wants. That woudn't be fun for me at all.

"Then tell me, why'd you came here?"

I lean back in my chair, to wait for him to awnser.
He sits down too, but doesn't look so confident as the moment I noticed him.
My apperance must have an effect on him, and I love it.

"I... wanted to see my boss, you know, thinks didn't really worked out yesterday, so I decided to make it up to you , before I offically start working for you."

"I'm imperessed that you finally told me the truth.", I laugh.
He doesn't know, I have his wallet so he plays it off cool and pretents he doesn't know anythink about it.

"When could I possibly have lied to you? We bearly ever talked."

"I don't know, but I have something, that could be helpful here."
While I smirk I take the picture of me out of his wallet and handle it to him.

"Would you mind, telling me something about this?", I stay calm, but I have a warning undertone in my voice, not to lie to me again.
His eyes widen as he sees the picture, and I can see his attitude drop from one second to the other.

"Uhm, well, I...", he stutters.

"Have you lost your voice again? You have that often, do you?"

I really enjoy seeing him nervous, I just want to kiss him, and have him say everything he wants me to do with him, just to show, who's in charge.

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