Day 1

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Abandon: (verb)
1. to leave completely and finally forsake utterly; desert
2. to give up; discontinue; withdraw from

People say when you die, your life flashes before you. No one could really know for sure but when I started to see memories from my childhood, teenage years, to now, I knew it was true. I felt the pain and happiness I had in my life. The sorrow, the joy. I thought to myself, is this what it feels like to die?

The memories started to fade away into complete darkness until I could see nothing but black. My head was spinning and spinning. I felt myself slipping away from the world.

Then, I felt like a had hit a surface. The surface was somewhat soft. I didn't feel like I was floating in the water anymore. I attempted to move my arms but I couldn't feel them moving.

Before I could open my eyes, a wave of darkness flooded over me and as if someone had knocked me out, I was gone. Swept from the earth, done with life. My time was over. I was dead. Or at least that's what I thought.

I lay there lifeless and lonely.

Suddenly, I felt my body get lighter as if someone was lifting me up. I could start to feel my arms and legs. My ears and nose could now function properly and my eyelids felt light.

Without thinking, I slowly squinted my eyes open. Everything was so bright I couldn't tell where I was.

Was this heaven?

It took a couple of minutes before my eyes could adjust.

I started to make out my surroundings. I could see different shapes and structures.

I looked down to see that I was lying in sand. I looked up to see thousands of trees and rocks ahead of me. I looked up higher but quickly regretted it. I saw a huge volcano, towering over the trees. It was luckily far away.

I looked behind me and saw water surrounding whatever this place was. I looked further out into the ocean to look for any other sign of land, but I was out of luck.

The sky was dark but not dark enough to be nighttime. Strange clouds swirled above me. And waves crashed violently onto rocks.

The ocean looked awful out there. The water slushed back and forth angrily. No one could survive out there.

I slowly stood up, but fell back down from the pain in my leg. I looked down to see blood trickling down my leg from a deep cut right above my knee.

"Great," I mumbled. I started to get up again and put less weight on my left leg. But I screamed from the pain and fell back down.

It felt like someone had stabbed me without a hundred knives.

I sat up and examined my surroundings. I was still alive, no doubt about it. But I almost wished I wasn't.

I looked and listened for any sign of life, but I didn't see or hear anyone.

"Hey!" I yelled. "Hey, anyone there?" I heard my voice echo through the jungle. I waited for an answer. I prayed as I waited for a sign of life but there was nothing.

"Help!" I yelled. "Someone please help me! Is anyone there? Please! Someone! Anyone!" I cried.

Fear surged through me. What if I was all alone? I didn't have anything with me. I could feel hot tears trailing down my face. After yelling helplessly and crying for help, I gave up. I threw my head in my lap as tears flooded my face, making my eyesight blurry. I lifted my head and ran my fingers through my wet and messy hair.

Abandoned | j.b (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now