Day 2

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I woke up to the soft chirping sounds of- birds! Relief flooded through me. I was not the only living thing on this island.

I slowly opened my eyes and saw the beautiful water gliding on the sand. I would've appreciated the island's beauty much more if I hadn't been stranded and afraid.

The sun shone brightly up in the clear blue sky and the gentle breeze brushed against my face. My clothes were now warm and dry.

After laying down for a while I decided to sit up. I dug my hands into the warm sand and brought my body up.

I looked around. Everything was the same, except the fact that yesterday was not sunny at all. In fact it was quite the opposite.

I sat there, a bit confused. How can the weather change so quickly from an awful storm, to such a beautiful day?

I shook the thought away as I remembered the wound on my leg. The leaf was surprisingly still tied tightly around it.

I untied the leaf to reveal the wound. But I gasped when I saw what was behind it.


The cut was completely gone as if it was never even there. I stared at my leg, making sure I wasn't imagining things.

"What the hell?" I whispered.

I curiously reached my fingers out to touch the spot where the cut had been. My skin looked perfectly fine. There was no sign that there had even been a cut there. I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Impossible," I whispered.

I looked at the leaf and back at my leg. I took the leaf in my hand and carefully examined it.

I didn't realize until then that I had never seen a leaf like this before. It's outline was choppy but curved in some parts.

I tried to break it in half but I couldn't. The leaf was so strong I couldn't even rip it. How pathetic. I tried but failed many times to break it apart. Groaning in frustration, I threw the leaf aside.

I stared blankly out into the ocean. What did I do to deserve this? I kept asking myself this.

I started to stand up. Once my feet were planted in the ground and I stood up and looked back at my leg. It didn't hurt at all. It felt completely normal. I shook it a bit to make sure, but I felt nothing.

It was frustrating me that I couldn't figure out why or how this happened. I groaned and ran my hand through my messy hair.

I turned towards the island. The volcano still stood high above the trees. I looked to my right and saw a fairly big rock, high enough to overlook the island.

I decided to get to the top of that rock to get a better look at this place.

As I began to walk towards the rock, I heard my stomach growl. I needed to find food fast.

My mouth was parched and I was suddenly desperate for water too. I didn't know how much longer I could last.

When I finally reached the rock, I took a good look at it. It was pretty high. It was maybe a little less than 20 feet, but it wasn't that steep so I wouldn't have a hard time climbing it.

I reached my hand out and touched the hard surface. I then reached out my other hand and started climbing.

The rock was rough and hot from the blazing sun, causing my hands to burn and blister. But I didn't dare let go.

My hands and face started to become sweaty, making it harder for me to climb.

Finally, once I got to the top, I breathed heavily like a dog.

Once I caught my breath, I slowly started to stand up. When I balanced myself evenly on top of the rock, I looked out towards the island and my jaw dropped.

The place was huge. Thousands of trees and plants I've never seen before scattered the area. There were patches of grass here and there.

I noticed that there were various caves scattered around the island.

The scene reminded me of the TV show Lost and the movie Jurassic Park.

As I scanned the place I noticed a section of the island that was very rocky. I looked closely and- no it couldn't be. I let out a small laugh. Joy filled through me.

I saw a long waterfall on a rocky cliff. I smiled to myself.

Now I knew where I was going to go. I carefully climbed back down the rock and landed softly in the sand.

Then I slowly trudged towards the trees and took a deep breath.

"Here goes nothing," I whispered under my breath. And I took a step into the forest.

At first everything seemed pretty normal. The trees rose high above my head and swayed with the wind.

The further I walked, the thicker the trees got. The blue sky was barely visible above the big trees.

A cool wind swept over me and I shivered. I suddenly felt a little scared. Maybe I should've left a trail of rocks or something-

Minutes passed by quickly. The excitement of exploring the island started to fade.

Suddenly I burst out singing.

Across the ocean, across the sea, starting to forget the way you looked at me now.

Over the mountains, across the sky, I need to see your face, I need to look in your eyes.

This was one of my favorite songs. It keeps me going and makes me feel better.

Cause everything's gonna be alright aight aight aight. Be alright aight aight aight.

Everything was dead quiet except for the sound of the wind. I felt so lonely. I started to think of my family. They must think I'm dead. The thought saddened me.

A tear trailed down my face. There was an awful feeling in the pit of my stomach. I tried not to think of anything and told myself to keep it together.

It had seemed like I had been walking for two hours before I started to give up. There was nothing really here besides thousands of trees. There was no sign of food.

But just as I was about to turn around, I could've sworn I heard the sound if water crashing onto rocks. I desperately looked around but didn't see anything.

I ran forward as fast as I could, eager to find water. I ran until the trees started to create a sort of opening.

Finally, there it was. Relief flooded through me. The waterfall looked quite beautiful. The water glimmered in the sunlight. I smiled and let out a small laugh as I ran towards the waterfall.

I immediately threw my face into the pool of water. I gulped it down happily.

I didn't care how dirty it was. I was just so happy to find it.

I brought my head back up for air and threw it back in. The color in my face had seemed to come back. I felt so much stronger.

When I brought my head up, I lay down on the ground and faced the sky.

It had already started to get dark. I didn't have the energy to walk back to the beach. I ran my fingers through my wet hair and sighed.

I decided to stay here for the night.

I found a soft patch of grass to sleep on and listened to the rush of water. I decided tomorrow I would make a fire on the beach. Hopefully someone would see it.

I rolled onto my side and looked at the waterfall. I had found water, but not food. My stomach grumbled but so tried to ignore it.

The day had felt oddly short. But slowly my eyelids started to get heavy and before I knew it, I was asleep.

But I wasn't prepared for what was to come...

Abandoned | j.b

I just want to thank everyone for all your support. I don't really have that many views on this story but even if a few of you read it I'm still very thankful.

Thanks for everything!

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