Chapter 3

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Raph's POV

"How are you doing, Donnie?" I asked. As I walked up behind him I noticed he was messing with some type of tracker looking device.

"I'm doing a lot better, those pills you found were a life saver," he smiled back up at me, giving his arm a stretch to emphasize his point. Turns out she had been telling the truth. I'd consider thanking her if she wasn't the reason he had been hurt in the first place.

Despite that, I just couldn't get the incident out of my head. She worked for the Shredder, yet here she was finding the people she was sent to hurt and apologizing to them and giving them...peace offerings? What kind of foot soldier was she? I tried to shove the thoughts out of my head, but the more I thought about it the more it didn't make sense. The only thing I could think of was maybe she had some type of obligation to help him, but really didn't want to be working for him. But then I would get mad at myself again for making excuses for what she did to Donnie.

"Alright guys, listen up. Since Donnie's feeling a bit better we're thinking of going on a mission tonight," Leo started, "Donnie has a machine that can track traces of mutagen so we're thinking of hitting up a few spots tonight and maybe kicking some kraang butt."

Donnie had come out of his laboratory with what looked like some kind of radio with a screen that seemed to be honing in on something.

"Since I've had all this extra time this week I thought it could be a useful tool to make. We'll be able to test it out tonight," he said, excited. The rest of that week we ended up taking a break from patrols to give Donnie some time to rest up; every time we mentioned going out without him, he got all upset and wanted to come with us.

"Woohoo! Finally, it's getting cramped just hanging out down here," Mikey said, shooting up from his spot on the couch and racing towards the door.

"Mikey, wait, I have the tracking device, you need to follow me!" Donnie cried, running after him.

. . .

"It doesn't seem like this is a kraang hideout," I said, a slight frown on my face as I looked up at the dilapidated building in front of us. Donnie's tracker had led us to an abandoned building not too far from our lair, but it seemed too run down for it to be a place the kraang would use as a base.

"I agree, but this thing is going off the charts, so there must be a ton of mutagen in there," Donnie replied.

"Let's head in, but be wary and keep your eyes out for anything dangerous," Leo told us as he walked up to the door and pushed it open. We went in, being sure to stick to the shadows just in case. Suddenly, Leo put his hand up, signaling for us to stop. On the floor and walls in front of us there was an array of purple, blue and pink colors splayed out. We kept going forward and once we walked into the main area of the warehouse we saw what exactly was causing the reflections of light. In the middle of the building was a huge crystallized mountain of a blue, purple, and pink substance.

"No way," Donnie said, staring at it in awe.

"What are we looking at Donnie," Leo asked. We all seemed to be mesmerized by the giant structure.

"That, my friends, is a mountain of crystallized mutagen," Donnie responded.

"No way, that's mutagen?" I questioned, looking over at him in shock.

"How'd it get like that?" Mikey followed up.

"Yeah, that's mutagen, and I have no idea how this happened. Oh man, I just have to get a sample!" Donnie responded excitedly, looking like a kid on Christmas day.

"Raph, you go around and check the perimeter while we guard Donnie, just in case," Leo instructed.

"Why do I have to do it?" I complained.

In the Arms of the Enemy (Raph x OC)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant