Chapter 5

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Esme's POV

Karai and I sat on the edge of the roof as we watched the weapons deal going on below us. The sun had begun to set behind the giant warehouse where a group of Purple Dragons were currently residing. They had recently managed to get an impressive load of weapons, which Shredder decided to buy off them.

Karai and I had been tasked with overwatching the whole thing from a distance, just to be sure everything ran smoothly. Lately it felt like a lot more deals had been happening. Even some that Shredder went on by himself. I wondered if it had anything to do with the idea he propositioned to Kingston.

Normally the silence in a situation like this wouldn't be strange, but after the last conversation we had had it seemed more awkward then before. Karai so far had kept to her word, and in the amount of time that had passed she hadn't given me any snide remarks. She would greet me in the morning and during training she'd help me up. She had even given me an ice pack at one point. Without me having to ask!

We hadn't fully bonded yet, but the animosity didn't seem to be there anymore. Instead, we seemed to be stuck in some weird limbo. I looked over at her from the corner of my eye, hoping she wouldn't notice.

God, I couldn't stand this anymore! The energy was just too weird.

"The other day I went out and got some more crochet supplies. I've been working on this one that's super cute," I said, hoping that if I started talking about stuff I had been doing, it could spark a conversation.

"That's cool," was her short reply. I waited a few more seconds, wondering if she was going to say anything else. Unfortunately, she did not.

"Yeah, I crochet when I get nervous, and with everything going on with Shredder being secretive and the Sharks I've just been a big ball of stress," I rambled. She didn't respond to that one. Oh shit, was it because I brought up Shredder? That was probably still a sore subject.

"Oh my gosh, I don't know if you remember but I used to make them a lot when I was younger, they were really bad but one time I made one in the shape of a heart to give you as a gift. It was so misshapen," I laughed nervously.

"I remember," she responded.

"You do?" I asked, genuinely excited. I hadn't expected her to, I was just trying to keep the conversation going.

"Yeah. I still have it," she said, still not making eye contact.

"Wait, really?"

"It may not have seemed like it, but deep down I liked the idea of having a sister too," she said. I watched her face, noticing how her features slightly softened. I smiled.

"What kind of stuff do you like doing in your free time?" I asked, beginning to feel more comfortable.

A thoughtful look crossed her face before she answered, "I like skateboarding. I sneak out at night sometimes to do it." A pause. "I like to draw, too."

"That's so cool, I had no idea," my legs swung back and forth as they dangled from the roof.

"Honestly," she started, seeming a little hesitant to finish her thoughts.

"Yeah?" I urged her on.

"I've always wanted to be a tattoo artist," an embarrassed blush spread across her cheeks.

"Are you serious? That's awesome! I'd love to see some of your drawings some time," I said before suddenly backtracking, realizing it may have been too far for me to have said that.

"As long as you're okay with showing me, of course," I laughed nervously.

"Sure, I could show you some time," and even though the wind blew her short hair in front of her face, I didn't miss her small smile.

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