2. Save Me From The Nothing I've Become

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As darkness descended, Tim reached Lucy's grave and wasted no time preparing for the spell. He placed the wooden branch wrapped in a circle that Rowena referred to as a "crown" on his head. Then, he lit the candles- setting one on her gravestone while firmly holding the other. Next, he used his pocketknife to prick his thumb; he smeared a few drops of blood on her gravesite and then sucked on his finger until the blood slowed. With a metal taste in his mouth, he started reading the Latin words. Tim had no idea WHAT he was reading, but he didn't care. Then, the last words fell from his lips.

At first, nothing happened. The night remained still and quiet.

Then, the flame of the two candles was blown out, which made Tim widen his eyes before he considered that it might have been the wind.

It didn't work. Of course it hadn't. MAGIC ISN'T REAL. And just like the flames of those candles had been extinguished, so was his last bit of hope that he would see her again.

"Hi," Tim heard a voice say to his back, and his heart completely stopped. He turned around, and there she was.


Standing in the cemetery in a black dress, her hair in a bun, a smile playing at her lips, and most importantly, she was ALIVE!

"Lucy?" He asked quietly and blinked hard, because perhaps he had truly lost his mind and he was just imagining her.

She nodded her head and reached out a hand for him that Tim happily took. He squeezed her fingers almost too tightly and just STARED. There was no sign of how she died; she just looked so beautiful.

"Tim," she sighed and looked up at him.

Lucy's eyes looked different, but he attributed it to the dark sky; the way she said his name didn't sound the same, but it didn't really matter, because she's HERE. He pulled her into his arms and felt like he was finally able to breath again after so long without her.

With her familiar body pressed against his, Tim was convinced that he would never need anything ever again. "I missed you," he said quietly, and it felt like such small words for the overwhelming way he'd been feeling, but words were failing him. She made a noise of agreement and kept a tight grip around his midsection.

They might have been standing in silence holding each other for hours, they weren't sure, but there was so much time to make up for and so little else that Tim needed. But, rain started to fall, and so he ushered them into his truck.

Lucy's eyes scanned the inside of the vehicle curiously.

"Nothing's changed, baby," he said when he noticed her eye movement.

"Just checking," she smirked.

There was something devious in her smile and Tim didn't understand why, but his train of thought was interrupted when she reached over and held his hand.

"Let's take you home," he said happily, because for once in over a month, he was actually looking forward to going to his house, because he would be going home with LUCY.

Once they walked inside, Tim watched her look around. "Are you hungry?"

"I'm okay."

"Are you sure? I can order your favorite pizza?"

She shrugged in response.

Tim understood that there might be an adjustment to having her back. She had just been resurrected, after all. In an effort to provide her a semblance of comfort, he ordered her a pizza, started brewing her favorite tea and kept his eyes on her as much as possible.

When there was an urgent knock at his door, he considered ignoring it, but a voice inside him told him to answer it. In a few long strides, he stood in the open doorway and his breathing hitched. The sight in front of him did not seem real. Tim looked back into the living room to find Lucy sitting on the couch, but out on his doorstep stood Lucy, too.

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