4. Call My Name And Save Me From The Dark

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Rowena explained that Zilla could be placed in a supernatural trap in her house so that the woman could not escape and kill again. Although an imperfect solution that did not help any of Zilla's victims get justice, it was the best solution where everyone stayed alive- Tim could still be with Lucy and Rowena could still have her daughter. There was one important part of the plan- Tim and Lucy needed to be the ones to capture her. With their new mission instructions, they wasted no time locating the woman and hauling her to Rowena's house.

It was almost TOO easy, Lucy thought suspiciously, which is why she went into the small basement of Rowena's house to confront the newly-imprisoned Zilla.

She looked at the symbols drawn on the walls and the floor, and she knew that Zilla could move about the house if she wanted, but she stayed in the basement, reading a book casually as if she was not being held against her will.

"What do you want?" ZIlla asked without even looking up from what she was reading.

"I...I just wanted to make sure you were okay," Lucy answered.

"Bullshit. You have questions. My mom said you're a detective, so I figured you would want some answers."

"Rowena hasn't exactly been forthcoming."

"Yeah, classic mom. All you need to know is I died 200 years ago, and she's been searching for the right circumstance to bring me back. She's been waiting for a couple with love so strong to exploit their loss and resurrect me. She told me she reads obituaries and lurks in cemeteries for leads, and when she found your man...she said she didn't think she'd ever sensed so much love and grief in another person before. He must really fucking love you."

"He does."

"And I know you're head over heels, too. I can tell."

"Because of my memories?"

Zilla shook her head, set the book down, and leaned forward to look at the mirror image of her new body. "When you and Tim found me and brought me here, I'm sure you noticed I didn't fight back. I can't risk hurting you, because if anything happens to you, I go bye-bye. So, I wanted to hurt your fiancée, but this body won't let me. I can't hurt him, because your love is protecting him. That's why my mom asked for your help to drag me here. You're the only two people in the world capable of stopping me."

"Oh," is all Lucy could manage.

"It won't last forever, though. I'm the daughter of a powerful demon and a powerful witch. And when I'm free again, I will have my revenge for you two trapping me here. I may not be able to hurt you and Tim, but I have your memories. I can hurt everyone you love, since I know who they are. I think I'll start with that orphan you love, Tamara. Actually, I'd like to find your nephew, Jack. I do enjoy torturing children."


Zilla laughed maniacally. "You can't stop me. Well, you can, but you won't. That would mean leaving the man you love, and you're not strong enough to do it."

"You don't know that."

"Oh, but I do. You waited so long for him to wise up and see who you could be together. You sat next to him everyday in a car silently begging for him to love you back, and now he does, and it's better than you imagined. You won't sacrifice that. You can't."

"If I had to, I would, but you're never getting out. I'll come every day to check and make sure you're still trapped, and I'll get to live out the rest of my life with Tim. You're just being a bitter bitch," Lucy said venomously and left her doppelgänger alone.


"I think we should celebrate," Tim suggested when they returned home. "That Zilla mess is behind us, and now we can have our life back."

One Heart, Two Bodiesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें